MIDI/ntrack drum issues

Error opening MIDI in Device

Hi. New user who thought he was intelligent before he started trying to use ntrack.

I’ve messed around with the Ntrack drums and cannot get them to work. Every time I tried to record with them, my computer said, Error opening MIDI in Device. Now it says that message every time I open Ntrack on my computer.

Please help this illiterate user!



Welcome to n-track.

Go into Preferences and Midi Settings and tell us what devices you have setup in there.

If you are never going to record MIDI (eg using a MIDI keyboard outside the PC), click on the icon on the toolbar that looks like a keyboard with a microphone on it (centre top row on mine). As you click it the icon will change to “keyboard”, “keyboard + mic”, “mic”. If you set it to just “mic” then n-track won’t attempt to record MIDI from a non existent device. That may ease your woes.




Thank you for your quick, helpful reply. I actually had “Keep Midi Devices Open” checked in the MIDI Echo menu. I don’t receive my problem message now that I’ve unchecked it. Thanks again.

Should I forget about ntrack drums for now until I understand MIDI better? I’ll end with this really dumb question. What needs to be set up in the MIDI input devices? Do I need a MIDI keyboard or some other piece of hardware to operate the drums?

thanks again

No don’t give up on n-track drums just yet. You don’t really need to know that much to use it.

You don’t need a keyboard to use n-track drums although it can be a quicker way to tap in some beats.

Don’t worry about the MIDI inputs if you are not using and external device.



Thanks Mark.

I’ll keep trying. Right now, in Midi settings there is nothing named in the Midi input, and on the out side, Midi mapper is there and something called wavetable. Midi Mapper is highlighted.

What should be on the input port side? I think that one of my problems.



What should be on the input port side? I think that one of my problems.

Probably nothing. You don’t need anything in the input section until you start trying to record MIDI from an external source (eg keyboard). I suspect that your PC doesn’t have MIDI input capability (just like this laptop I’m currently typing on until I plug in my USB MIDI adaptor).

I’m going to do some reading up on how the piano roll works before I ask any more uninformed questions.

I appreciate all of your help Mark!



I appreciate all of your help Mark!

No problemo