moving envelopes with clips

anybody know how to get a volume envelope to move along with a clip when you reposition the clip?



Unfortunately no. Envelopes are part of the track, just as wave clips in the track are parts of the tracks.

This is on my “Want really bad” list.

Maybe someone else has figured out a way to do it. PLEASE? :)

As a side issue, in past versions, envelopes did not take into account plug-in compensation. In other words envelops were not compensated and when they were applied they would not be applied in a way that matched up visually or aurally with what appeared in the timeline. For example if you were using a volume envelope to dip out a short click then the dip might not happen when the click was after adding some plug-ins that caused plug-in compensation to kick in. The dip would happen before the click since the wave woulf be delayed slightly. I do not know if this has been addressed in V4.

Found this;


Build 1780 - Monday, Frebruary 28, 2005
Volume evolution now follows wave files when using the Edit/Insert command
Fixed multiple undo levels when Edit/Insert was used on multiple tracks

Have not tried it though…


It would be good if the envelopes moved when you copy and pasted not just inserted measures

The way I usually get around this is to do a mixdown with teh envelopes.
Or just redraw the envelopes after pasting… depends how easy/hard that is to do…


Ummmm… maybe i’m missing something here, but doesn’t enabling the ‘Move volume/pan/sends evolutions when moving or copying parts’ button do what he needs? I use it quite often, and all nodes that affect a part are moved with the part.


Yep…that would be it. I wasn’t at n-Tracks when posted and didn’t rememeber that feature. I’m not at n-Tracks now either. Where is that toggle?

As a side issue, in past versions, envelopes did not take into account plug-in compensation.
Thanks Phoo. I didnt' know that and it has driven me crazy. What is your work around? Do you just move the node by trial and error until it the volume change happens at the right time? That's what I do and it's a pain.

Also, do any of you guys know if that has been fixed in Version 4? That feature is a biggie - it is actually the one thing that has made me contemplate changing to another program (I thought it was a bug).
Quote (phoo @ April 09 2005,09:54)
Yep...that would be it. I wasn't at n-Tracks when posted and didn't rememeber that feature. I'm not at n-Tracks now either. Where is that toggle?

Hey, phoo...

It's under Edit->Volume/pan drawing->"Move evolutions when moving parts". (Or is this the wrong thing?)
[Edit: nah, it looks like the right thing :) ]


Looks like there’s a bug in this: If you move an audio clip over another with an evolution, the evolution nodes of the stationary clip get “bulldozed”, i.e., pushed off the clip as if the clip being moved is a bulldozer.


As a side issue, in past versions, envelopes did not take into account plug-in compensation.

Thanks Phoo. I didn't' know that and it has driven me crazy. What is your work around? Do you just move the node by trial and error until it the volume change happens at the right time? That's what I do and it's a pain.

Yep. trial and error. Yes, it's pain especially when there are sharp or short changes needed. The slow stuff like fades aren't much of a problem since a few milliseconds don't matter much.

You can also just mixdown that small section of the trk to paste over the new location. :D

Quote (Tom @ April 09 2005,17:30)
You can also just mixdown that small section of the trk to paste over the new location. :D

:blues: One problem with this procedure, if you mix down a small section of a track to import for pasting over the new location. "Bad Scenario": You import it, enlarge to highlight, copy, paste, then delete the small file that you mixed down, before you create another mix down of the repaired track, you'll end up with a small hole where your paste was..