I’ve found that if any devices change while n-Track is running, it appears to process this information with a wait cursor, and goes unresponsive indefinitely. Trying to close it shows the standard Windows “unresponsive” dialog which gives the options to close the program, in which case it says it is reporting to Microsoft, or wait for the program to respond, which of course it doesn’t. Even more annoying is that after it has reported to Microsoft the UI closes, but something is still running and can’t be ended with Task Manager, which means that the audio card is still locked (I have it in Exclusive mode to minimise latency when using MIDI plugin instruments). The only way to unlock the card is to log off and log on again.
By device change you mean plugging or unpluggin an USB device? Does unchecking the “Detect USB device changes” checkbox in the Settings → Audio devices box makes any difference?
Yes, I am using a USB audio card and I have occasionally had problems with the USB connector, but I have USB MIDI devices attached and I thought I’d noticed the same instability. I’ll turn off Detect USB device changes and check again.
Apologies, I did some more testing last night and I think I have an intermittent problem with my MidiMan USB MIDI adaptor - I have a very old version of Cakewalk that behaved the same way when it ran into a similar problem, so it doesn’t look like it’s an n-Track issue. Maybe I need to look for a new MIDI adaptor…