n-Track ported to Mac OSX!!!

Woo hoo!!

Heh, heh…April Fools…


PS I apologize. The devil made me do it!

I wish I would have seen this sooner. now my posting above seems a little copycat-ish. bah. slaps self with wet seabass

Quote (silvermachina @ April 01 2005,12:26)
I wish I would have seen this sooner. now my posting above seems a little copycat-ish. bah. *slaps self with wet seabass*

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Oh well, it never gets old, anyway. :D


damnit, you actually had me excited.

N-track on a real OS.

I shudder to think

Quote (clark_griswold @ April 01 2005,16:39)
damnit, you actually had me excited.

N-track on a real OS.

I shudder to think

Can you say Pro-Tools slayer? I thought you could!

Well, it might not SLAY, but it'd be darn fine and MUCH cheaper!

Sorry if I got yer blood pressure up!

Quote (clark_griswold @ April 01 2005,16:39)
damnit, you actually had me excited.

N-track on a real OS.

I shudder to think

Eh, Mac OSX is simply KDE with more gradients. :;):

nevertheless, it’s better than bloatware…I mean, Xp.

Okay, I am taking this totally left field, but I find OSX slow and clunky. Is it just me? This is on a G4 with 512MB of RAM, so maybe that is not a good test. I don’t know. But 10.3.5 is pokey on that box.

My Mac experience is almost nil, so I can’t really make a fair comment. I did read a review once of a G5 Dual 2.5 running Logic. The dude had a goshawful amount of audio and midi tracks and a truckload of effects running smooth as glass. It certainly sounded impressive in the article. Can’t remember what audio interface he was running…hmmm… Anyway, a nice, lean, intuitive package like n-Track on Mac OSX would just have to be smokin’ !!!


Yeah, my experience has been with everything Adobe. Illustrator and the like just seem to eat the machine.