n-Track Studio on Linux (beta)

Hi All,

we’ve just released the first beta version of n-Track Studio for Linux.
The beta version is fully unlocked. If you have a Linux system please give it a spin!
It’s available as both ·deb packages for Ubuntu/Debian and as a Snap package for other distributions.
Let me know if you have any comments or bug reports.



Wow! Thank you for this – which I just noticed when I clicked through your BF post on Facebook to the ntrack store. In my case, I have been hoping to move completely from Windows 10 to Linux by October 2025 – so this is good news to me.

RE: having a Snap package for other distros, I wonder if it might be better to offer it as a Flatpak instead of (or in addition to) Snap (unless there’s some technical or time-and-effort reason not to).

I imagine that people who avoid Ubuntu because of Snap would probably not want to install Snap on whatever other distros they use.

Meanwhile I’ll give it a try on Linux sometime this winter after some other things settle down. Thank you again for porting it to Linux!

Hi, Flavio,

Download beta version today, system request to install extra softwares.
1. libc++ 1-14

After the install process, it works.
Wow, it works on Linux Mint 21.3. (Based on Ubuntu 22)
I have finished the tutorial, startup takes longer times but it runs well.
Do we need a GPU to speed up the software?

Thank you for this n-Track Studio Linux version.


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Thanks for the feedback. n-Track does use the GPU for graphic rendering (unless you disable this with Preferences → Use GPU for drawing), but the one integrated with laptop CPUs typically works fine.


Hi Flavio.

Linux Debian 12 (bookworm)

I’ve installed N-studio using the deb package, and installed the dependencies, including the intel libs.

When i start n-studio with the launch script, I get the following error, and startup stops;

jack@jack:/opt/n-Track$ ./launch_ntrack.sh
Error at loading of ippVM library
Your application is dynamically linked with Intel(R) IPP libraries version 2020.0.0 Gold (r0x0f66e7e3)
No DLL from the list below is found on the system search path:
libippvmy8.so (the most suitable for your CPU)
libippvmn8.so (optional)
libippvmm7.so (optional)
Please provide a path to at least one of them

EDIT: Ok, got past this by adding an export path line to the launch script.

I now have new errors related to version numbers for libavcodec, libavutil, libavformat, etc. Most of my versions seem too new, so i’ll think about what to do next. This is surprising, as Debian stable is usually behind other distros. (which is why I use it, the stability)


Hi Alex,
The files n-Track is looking for should have been installed in the folder /opt/n-Track/Externals .
Could you please verify whether the files are entirely missing or if another version of them is present?


Hi Andrea,

The files are indeed present in the Externals folder. The later versions of those .so files are installed on my system.

And the path is present in the launch script.

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=“/opt/n-Track/Externals/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH”

I have a feeling the deb file install has looked for the deps in my system, instead of installing with the Externals directory as a dependency source.


Usually when the system searches through the libraries folders, should honour the order they appear in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
Could you please post the change you did to the launch script and the output of the command: ldd /opt/n-Track/n-TrackStudio | grep avcodec?


Here’s the grep output;

jack@jack:~$ ldd /opt/n-Track/n-TrackStudio | grep avcodec
/opt/n-Track/n-TrackStudio: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libavcodec.so.58: version `LIBAVCODEC_58’ not found (required by /opt/n-Track/n-TrackStudio)
libavcodec.so.58 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libavcodec.so.58 (0x00007fb7d9000000)

Here’s the line i added for the intel libs;

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=“/opt/intel/oneapi/ipp/2022.0/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH”


EDIT: I have it working. I did a complete reinstall, removing all config files,then reinstalling, before adding the intel libs line to the launch script, and voila, it works.

I’m doing all this inside a terminal, so i’ll watch for any weird or erroneous messages.

Thanks for listening.

A quick question.

Does the linux version only work with ALSA?

It doesn’t seem to work with JACK (I get a hard lock when I try).



n-Track currently only works with Alsa, i.e. the devices you see in the Settings → Audio devices box are the ones that Alsa makes available. We might add Jack at some later point.


Ok, thanks Flavio. Useful to know.

Just wanted to say this is awesome, very pleasantly surprised. I used the SNAP on CachyOS (Arch linux), it’s flawless. I imported a 13 track project and it just works. I installed SNAP on my Arch system just so I could try this and I am glad I did. The layout and design is beautiful. My only complaint, and it’s a small one, is when turning on the track mixer it blends in too well with the background and I couldn’t find any easy way to maximise it? Well done guys, this made my day. Another reason not to go back to Windows ever.