n-track with E-mu 1820m

Best Settings?

My E-mu came with Cubase which is proving ludicrously complicated; I just haven’t got the patience. N-track seems intuitive and quick.

However, using the 1820 card I can only record with ‘1- ASIO DirectX Duplex Driver’ in the ‘WAVE devices’ section of ‘Settings’ of N-track - nothing else works. Recordings sound OK but I’m wondering if I’m getting the optimum out of the E-mu card. In other words, should I be using a different setting and making some adjustment with the E-mu card or somewhere on N-track, (on Cubase recording, you selct ‘Emu ASIO’ to record) or am I fussing over nothing?

The expert advice of someone on the forum would be much appreciated.


Hi Marko,
Have you tried the Advanced button in Settings–>Audio devices?
Here you can set which drivers will show up in the WAVE devices dialog.
If you have ASIO and WDM already checked there, you need a real expert in stead of me :)
Good luck,

Remember, you have to create SENDS in PatchMix for all the Inputs you want to use BEFORE starting n-Track. You select and activate them by clicking the “Hammer” in the Recording Vu meter.


Thanks very much hansje and gtr4him.

Another question for gtr4him. I’ve re-created what you have on your graphic and I immediately get about 6 vu-meters showing. I then click on one of the ‘hammers’ so I then have one. I then get what you see in the attached image (I hope) -just the first E-Mu Asio box ticked in the input column and the same box ticked in the outputbox.

I’ve plugged two leads into the 1820 box into ‘1L’ and ‘1R’ so I can record stereo from keyboard. Do I send that signal to ‘HOST WAVE L/R’ or one of the others such as ’ HOST ASIO IN 11/12’? My problem is that either way I’m no longer getting a signal into N-track which I was when using ‘Asio DirectX Full duplex Driver’, although it would seem to make sense to have the setting as you suggest. I also had a couple of crashed, although I hadn’t yet fully opened the PatchMix mixer panel

Your wisdom much appreciated!

Read the PatchMix manual yet? Good tutorials in there. They show Cubase but the principle is the same for n-Track.


I found the problem: the sample rate for the session on the Pmix was different from the setting on N-track. I matched them up, re-read the Pmix manual and have now got myself sorted.

Thanks again!

Quote (Marko @ Oct. 02 2005,03:01)
I found the problem: the sample rate for the session on the Pmix was different from the setting on N-track. I matched them up, re-read the Pmix manual and have now got myself sorted.

Thanks again!

Cool! :)


hey i have a question related to this topic so i thought id post it here while the topic was still relatively new.

i have the emu 0404. it works well for what i plan to do but there is one problem that i was wondering if anyone has also expereinced. when i have, for example, 6 tracks all playing back at the same time, with an effect on each track, playback stutters. is this because my lower end emu doesnt have the resources? i also notice even more pronounced “stuttering” when i use the emu’s PowerFX plugin on a track.

i am sure my computer is not at fault my specs are:

sata WD raptor drive
P4 2.4 ghz cpu 800mhz fsb
1 gig 400 mhz ddr

any idea why its stuttering?

Increase your buffers.

What Bubba said. If you are using the ASIO driver, click the Hammer icon in n-Track’s playback or record Vu meter(s). You should see a button there somewhere that says “ASIO settings” or “ASIO Control” or… summat. Anyway, when you get there, you’ll see the latency (buffers) setting displayed as XX ms. RAISE that number until you get clean playback. Lower numbers are great for quick reponse when playing virtual instruments and stuff but when rendering/mixing time rolls around, raise the number to get cleaner playback. Works for me. :) Oh, if you are using the WDM driver, you can raise the buffer settings from inside n-Tracks buffer settings dialog.