It can’t be!!!

'Crocodile Hunter’ Steve Irwin killed by stingray



Why am I not surprised? You can only poke dangerous animals in the ass for so long until karma comes and pokes you in the ass.

Really tragic for his family. :(

Hi Gents:
That’s making Big-Time-News, around here… He was a popular person around these parts… Too Bad… It sounds to me like a safety concern while he was in the water may have been overlooked… ??? :(


It’s not tragic for all his family TomS. A couple of years back he dangled his baby child in front of a croc’s nose. Stupid bastard should have been locked up for that. So I’m personally pleased that one more irritating idiot has gone the way of all idiots.

At least get the story right corn cob:

No Dangling here.

Steve was alright and will be missed.


And the lastest footy score, hot off the wire…

Stingrays 1. Crocodiles 0.



Steve was alright and will be missed.

Not in Oz he won’t mate.

“I think he’s a bloody idiot,” the owner of the Cairns Crocodile Farm, Keith Cook, told the Courier-Mail.

They (the Irwins) claim that the child was not in danger. They understand people’s concerns and have assured Children’s Services that it won’t happen again," Mackenroth told the Australian ABC radio service.

Too right it won’t. And if the kiddy was in no danger, why did they say they wouldn’t do it again?

But you lot carry on thinking he was a great guy and we’ll carry on thinking Bush is a great guy.


But you lot carry on thinking he was a great guy and we’ll carry on thinking Bush is a great guy.

You don’t set your standards too high do you? At least Steve wasn’t a chicken sh!t coward. Bush couldn’t even make the team and ended up a cheerleader. Wow, you have some hero there! Rah Rah Rah!


All parents make mistakes, some of them very, very stupid, Trotter, although not as stupid as arguing that his death was in some way justified as reprisal for a bad parenting decision. :)

I think we were better with Irwin than without him. I think his heart was in the right place. Although the baby stunt was STUPID!

However, Irwin did provoke the stringray or the ray would NOT have struck him. I love how the media is covering this aspect.

Irwin’s days were numbered given what he was dong.

His heart was in the right place…that made me giggle

I think Bubbagump said it best…we all do stoopid things at times, but if you continue to do stoopid things, the odds are going to catch up with you eventually.

But as always, the people who suffer the most are those who are left behind.

Personally, I found him an annoying git, but many many people miss him, and miss him deeply, so lighten up Trotter/Badblock boy. :)

Where would humanity be without the “characters”? ???