Old or unrecognised file format. HELP!!

Cant open project after an nTrack crash

Using n-Track last night, the program suddenly crashed back to Desktop. Going back in, and trying to re-open my project, I get an error saying “old or unrecognised file format.” I now can’t access the project at all, and am dreading potentially losing the work I’ve done. I’m using the latest build 2066. Can you guys help? Daz

Hi Dazzi_g:
I can’t remember that ever happening to me… However I heard guys talking about that happening to them…

Somewhere, on your drive/drives the files should be still there…

Mabey, you’ll have to “Open” and new project and import the .wav files into a new timeline… and rename the project…

That might be a solution to the issue you have… However, wait for another reply to your topic… Someone with better insight to this issue could reply and get you outta this with an easy answer…


I’m sorry to say this but I think your’re screwed. As woxnerw said you can make a new project and import the wav files but you will be essentially starting over. I’ve had this happen and I feel your pain.

When I mix I save a new song file after every significant change. On a completed mix I will be up to 35 or 40 files. These are fairly small files so you aren’t eating up much hard drive by saving a lot of them. That way if you experience a crash you can go back to the previous save and you haven’t lost much work.

The other good thing about this system is you can go back a few iterations and compare the sound with what you’ve just done. Sometimes I’ve found that I’ve made things worse.

Hi Guys.

Well, looks like I’m knackered then. I too save after every “take” but that doesnt help if the .sng file goes “tits up” I guess. “Saving as…” every so often, and dating the filename would be smart.

Oh well, back to manually creating the project from all 30-odd wav files. Cancel all my appointments…

Thanks all, Daz

Hi Guys:
IT doesn’t hurt to “save-as” when you close out your project for the day… For example the project your editing/working on is “Project_15_Day/month/year”… the next time you open IT up and work on it will be the last dated .sng file… Then you close it out the next time with “Save-as” Project_15_Day/Month/Year…

Put a “Check-Mark” in the box “Reload the Last Song at Start-up”… in the “Config. Panel”…

Project _15_180606 Then, if you want to go back and check your mix … say three dates ago, you’ll find exactly how your ears were behaving like, at that Point-in-Time… IT’ll help the continunity of the Day-to-Day edits, along with the Track Mix, and all…

Who knows… you just might start getting acceptable mixes… :O :p


I’m always working on my mixes… I call them “Works-in-Progress”… :O :laugh:

Are they getting better? NO…

I guess I’m pretty anal (or I just like to spend money on large hard drives) but I “save as” several times a day. I just number the saves, i.e., Song A 32, Song A 33, Song A 34 etc. If I want to know the date of the file I can look in properties. I can’t tell you how many times this technique has saved me from potential problems.

You could try contacting Flavio and see if he can rescue the file. Just might be a chance.

Dave T2

Already tried that I’m afraid. He replied with the old, “recreate it from the saved WAVs” response. Oh well, looks like a busy day ahead… :frowning: