Problem with Melodyne plugin

I’ve recently started using Melodyne as a plugin, and I’m finding it frustrating that often when I select another track, the plugin is no longer active (as if it’s bypassed). I’ve tried bypassing manually and then “unbypassing”, selecting other plugins in the chain, selecting other tracks and re-selecting the vocal track, but the only way I have so far found to reactivate it is to save my song and close/reopen it.

Is this a known problem, and can it be fixed?



Hi Ian,

Which version and build number of n-Track are you using? Which version of Melodyne?
Are you using Melodyne as a bridged plug-in? You can check this if it has the [nBridge] tag next to its name in the plugin window caption.
Could you send me a video showing the issue?


Hi Andrea

The details you requested are as follows:
Melodyne (demo)
n-Track 10.2.0 64-bit build 9210
No mention of [nBridge], but it shows “32 bit” in the plugin window (as you’ll see in the video).

I’ve uploaded a short video here showing what happens:



I don’t think I understand.
Should the video show the issue where Melodyne gets deactivated? When exactly does it occur?


Sorry I should have explained, it’s not deactivated as such, but you’ll notice that, although the vocal is playing, the cursor in the plugin is not moving to follow it (there’s no sound on the video but the track is playing the unprocessed track).

To get to this situation, all I did was select another track and then re-select the vocal track.


We reproduced the issue you reported and we released a new beta build with the fix (9478).


Many thanks Andrea, the beta build works :slight_smile: