Quick way to re-order tracks?

Ok, lets say I have a project with about fifteen tracks in it, some audio and some midi. All the midi tracks are at the top of the window ie tracks number 1-5.

Is there a quick way to move all these tracks down to tehe bottom, so that they occupy tracks number 10-15 in my project?

At the moment, the way I move tracks around is by right clicking, selecting ‘move up’ or ‘move down’ and moving tracks one slot at a time.

Very tedious is you want to do a lot of tidying up!

Is there a quicker way? I’m using v3.3


You can drag them in the timeline by grabbing the left part of the track (where the solo, mute, etc buttons are).


I tried to do what you suggested but with no luck. Can you be more specific?
I find the “move track up/down” to be tedious also.

I select the track I want to move and then left click, hold and drag it to where I want it in the track list. Still only one track at a time, and the system seems to stop and have a good think before it moves the track

In the timeline view, just click where the track name is at the far left and drag it to where you want it. If you drag up, it will be inserted above the track where you let go. If you drag down, it will be inserted below the track where you let go. If you drag all the way past the bottom track it won’t do anything.

While you’re dragging you should see the cursor change to indicate you’re dragging the track. I don’t remember exactly what it looks like, but in my mind’s eye I see a little white square or something like that.

I tried to do what you suggested but with no luck. Can you be more specific?
I find the "move track up/down" to be tedious also.

Sorry John I was in a hurry so wasn't very clear. The others have filled in the gaps (thanks fellas), so hopefully you should be sorted.


Got it!!!
Love it!!!
So much easier!!!
Thanks everybody!!!

Yeah, thats much better. Thanks all.

nice one guys! just wondering… what if the track your’e about to move has to different wave in it (edited ones) will it also move it along?


sorry for the typo… its two diff waves…


Moving a track doesn’t do anything except change it’s position in the vertical timeline. Everything goes with it as-is.

thanks man…
