What is sample level editing?
I searched the manual and youtube and found nothing!
It’s briefly covered in this help section.
Thank you very much.
I see the Ios version doesn’t have it.
You’re right the sample level editing widgets are not appearing on iOS. We’ll add them in the next update due out in a few days.
N-Track Studio Standard subscription
N-Track Studio Pro subscription
N-Track Studio Extended subscription
N-Track Studio Suite subscription
N-Track Studio Pro DAW BuyOut
N-Track Studio Prp DAW BuyOut + Suite Sounds Bundle
Which version do I need if I want to use sample level editing?
Sample level editing requires the Extended subscription or the Pro one-time purchase (Suite Sounds Bundle is not required).
I got nTrack Studio Extended.
Your edition supports sample level editing. The update that adds sample level editing to iOS is out now.