Selling CD's

syn 707,

Do you do a solo act ? If so how many people do you typically play for on average ?
I do a solo act and i am working on a full arrangement cd to sell at my gigs. I was curious to see what kind of sales ratio you are seeing at your shows.


Ted Roberts

Yes, I do a solo act. I have some very old Roland gear, MC-50 sequencer, Sound Canvas SC55 for my accompaniment. God, the stuff is 20 years old and I have never had any problems with it. It’s been rained on and baked in the Calilf central valley heat!!
ON average I would guess that it is only about 100 to 300 people…not a lot as they are private parties and such. I have about 15 CDs with me and if I sell 10 I am real happy. There are a good handful of larger events where I bring a larger amount and they spike up my sales for the year. At an annual wine fest I do there is an average of 1500 people per day that come thru…so there are very healthy sales there and I am satisfied with that.

If I can sell 500 to 700 CDs a year at 10$$ a pop…I am not doing to bad considering I am not out to make it big or be discovered. If I were attempting that then of course I wouldn’t be doing what I am doing. I think next year I will create a website and post tunes for download, but it isn’t a burning issue with me.

Quote (syn707 @ June 04 2005,01:09)
Yes, I do a solo act. I have some very old Roland gear, MC-50 sequencer, Sound Canvas SC55 for my accompaniment. God, the stuff is 20 years old and I have never had any problems with it. It's been rained on and baked in the Calilf central valley heat!!
ON average I would guess that it is only about 100 to 300 people..not a lot as they are private parties and such. I have about 15 CDs with me and if I sell 10 I am real happy. There are a good handful of larger events where I bring a larger amount and they spike up my sales for the year. At an annual wine fest I do there is an average of 1500 people per day that come there are very healthy sales there and I am satisfied with that.

If I can sell 500 to 700 CDs a year at 10$$ a pop....I am not doing to bad considering I am not out to make it big or be discovered. If I were attempting that then of course I wouldn't be doing what I am doing. I think next year I will create a website and post tunes for download, but it isn't a burning issue with me.

:D See now you've created an intrest but we can't sample your sound or buy your CD on line. is free if you allow a download, no one said it had to be the whole song. ;-)
It comes with a message board and email list generator, plus others to network with.

Quote (tempus @ June 03 2005,18:42)
You should check this out too:

The Orchard

:) Thanks tempus, another good store based in Dallas is CD_Street, in fact, Antones Records even uses this site.

Hi Syn 707,

Thanks you so much for your extended response to my question. It was an important question to me.
It seems like the old gear lasts longer and sounds better than some of the newer stuff. I have a 30 year old stereo EQ that i run my guitar through that I wouldn’t be without. I have not been able to duplicate that sound with newer equipment.
You have more people at your solo gigs than I do, so I think you are doing great ! I use to play in bands and do large shows ( up to 5000 people ) but I decided to downsize myself because I enjoyed the intimacy of smaller venues. I actually get to meet the people that come to my shows now! At the Big band shows their were all sorts of security issues to consider. I prefer being unknown because I don’t have to wear sunglasses when I go out to keep from getting mobbed and I don’t need a bodyguard.
You are making $ 400 to $ 600 a month on average on cd sales alone, thats great ! That is some nice supplemental income and I would like to get to that point with my cd sales.
Once my CD of original tunes is complete I plan to shop it with some national acts. Again, not to promote myself but to promote the music.
Thanks again Syn for your response and Best of luck to you and your music !

Ted Roberts

P.S. by the way. when you get your music on the web let me know. I would like to hear it :D

You can buy my CD at
and hear a couple tracks here:

But since I recorded that I got a ton of new gear, so they aren’t the greatest recordings…

As a sort of experiment, I put on sale an album of my old ambient/experimental music at Actually, there’s just a mail link so you can tell me you want to buy, so I can give your the IBAN codes (or post address) to send me the money and I’ll send you the album…

At the moment, I’m working on an album of songs with English lyrics, so I’m pretty interested in this topic. I sort of miss the old style system, but I guess it was a pretty expensive hobby to the owners with not much profits flowing in.

here is a link for my son’s new cd on cdbaby. He recorded and mixed it all himself. So the recording bug is apparently genetic.

sean’s cd