Selling CD's

Do all you n-trackers sell CD’s on net?

How many of you n-trackers sell CD’s on the internet? Do you know about CDbaby? If so how about posting a link? It’s sort of like “show your studio” but instead it’s "show your CD"

This is a link for my CD on cdbaby but unfortunatly it wasn’t all recorded with n-track and the quality isn’t what i’d like but the next project will be recorded on n and may appear on cdbaby in the future.

Did you sign-up for the digital distribution?

Yes John I did and so far we’ve had more action from that then from CD sales. I would like to find a way to submit songs just for digital dist. without having to package a CD.

I like your CD. It sounds good.

Wow…I thought for sure this topic would draw more input. What are you n-trackers doing with all those recording projects? Aren’t you making CD’s?
I’m not going to let this topic die that easily.

Stick 'em on the internet mostly. I make CDs for anyone that whats one, but the only two that have been packaged up were a live performance that was recorded about 1980 (master tapes and mixdown was lost, but a cassette with the mix was discovered and resurrected - the long lost album that never got released as it was) and a studio recording done around 1990 (sold almost 500 copies in a relatively small town, which was much better than we expected would happen). The internet and cheap personal website access changed it all.

I used to play 3-4 nights a week but the bar scene has sort of died here in good ol Va. If you don’t play bluegrass than you probably wont have a gig. It’s not worth traveling 3+ hours for 250. We still do the occasional frat gig. So all we mainly do is record now. Every wed for 5 hours. The only bad part is when you are in a band and own all this recording gear then the band gets lazy. We just finished our 2nd disc 27 months later. Way way way too long. The first one we knocked out in 3 months. We have sold about 200 on cd baby and about 300 at shows. We are also on the digi dist and have had some downloaded.

“Fountain of Blues” was recorded in N but it was done a long time ago when I was in a rookie hurry, and all done at 16 bit.

This CD has the same 10 originals but 6 classis are included.

I have a new release coming out July 29, you can enter to win
a copy at my site
I have also just installed a forum, so any of you are welcome to
help me out with that. I’m on my way to hear y’all now! :D

:cool: True North, thats some pretty hot stuff you have there,
thanks for opening this thread and for shairing your sound.

John has got to be the John Lennon of N! Sounding cool
as always John!

Phoo, I’ve heard poo’s current sound and think it’s awsome, a
little Savoy Brownish, english bluezy rock, very cool!

Jeromee’s sound jumps right out of the player! Good roadhouse
sound, nice groovs! Never sold one online (except for a couple on that friends bought).

I bother friends & family with my CDs. Sort of like AOL, so they can use 'em as coasters or flying saucers. Plus I post it on the web for folks to listen to for free (see my link below). Just a hobby for me, no plans to make any money at it.

Quote (learjeff @ May 30 2005,14:11)
I bother friends & family with my CDs. Sort of like AOL, so they can use 'em as coasters or flying saucers. Plus I post it on the web for folks to listen to for free (see my link below). Just a hobby for me, no plans to make any money at it.

:D I’m going to continue to write and create and sell as many as I can! Then when I become rich and famous, I’ll come back here and give all those who helped me, high paying jobs :D



How many of you n-trackers sell CD’s on the internet?

Count me in! Well, as soon as we get our sales tax permit…

I’ve started up a teeny tiny pseudo record label, with a friend, based purely off of what we’ve got lying around. It’s just now getting ready to get off the ground, so you can see it in its prototypical stage before we get big and famous! :wink: We’re located at

This is the first I’ve heard of CdBaby, and it looks pretty neat, but it’s probably a good idea to make sure that this idea will work before we start investing any money in it.

Oh, and n-Track was involved in some way for all these, if only for the digital transfer from 4-track :)

P.S. Any opinions on the music?

I just sell my CDs at my gigs…I dont sell much…10 to 20 but I keep all the proceeds


I released my debut recently and I sell it at my own site but would be interested in getting it to web shops too. The fact seems to be, that unless you advertise and let people know that you’ve released a CD,
the sales volume is practically zero.

By the way, what is this CD baby shop?

The music on my CD was not produced on N as
I’ve been using it (read: learning to use PCs for recording) only for two months. This transition phase from hardware senquencers and synths to software has been kind of a head ache to me and demanded lots of time of not being able to work on new inspirations, but definitely worth it.


Go to and you can read all about it. It is a great site and very

Quote (true north @ June 02 2005,10:15)
Go to and you can read all about it. It is a great site and very

Another good site, but more for exposure is Soundclick. They have hundreds of thousands of members with some nice inexpensive features. If you want exposure I would sign up here to complement your cdbaby page.

…If you want exposure…

This is an important question one should ask of themselves. It is something I have no interest in. The fee I charge for my performance coupled with my low CD sales makes for a very healthy and fun event for me. Can you say, Kacheeeeeng?

Thanks for all the good advise for all you folks!

I’m impressed by the helpfulness of so many members
in this forum. Reading the posts and replies has given me loads of really valuable hints.

Tommi :)

You should check this out too:

The Orchard