Silly Beginner Question: How PAUSE recording?

Hi all, went through tutorials and user guide of Studio 10 Pro on iPad - but cannot find any reference on how to PAUSE an audio recording. Say I am recording my band’s gig consisting of 4 sets. I don’t want a new project for every set - so how can I PAUSE the multitrack recording? TIA for your advice.

There is no pause button so you can stop, then set the recording offset at the end of the recording and later start recording again. Or you can record the new set to a new track (after muting the 1st one).
The 10.2.1 update will allow continuing from the position where the last recording was stopped if you stop the recording pressing the play button (both rec and play are highlighted during recording), while if you press rec the next recording will restart from the same offset (to allow to quickly record a new take).


Thank you so much, Flavio! I am currently running version 10.2.84 - so your version 10.2.1 is forthcoming soon - or my current version should allow the pausing as you describe above? Tried it with my version - but it does not work (yet?)…

For 10.2.1 I’m referring to the desktop version number, the corresponding version number for iOS will be different because on iOS every update needs to a have a new minor version number, so I’m not sure which version number it will be, but will be the next non-bugfix only update, and it will be the first update that will have new release notes text. It should be in about two to three weeks with a beta coming in about a week from now.


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