Simple sm-57 mod

Quote (TomS @ Mar. 30 2006,17:41)
…I think the older EV mics are under appreciated - not just the salmon killer neighbor of the beast…

O.k., I’m not sure what this means. :) Sorry! I’m also not sure about amphenol- sounds like something you put in a syringe! :D

I am having a chuckle at your expense- forgive me!.. but I’m with you- I’ll see about what edition of the 661 this is, and try to get a photo if you want to check it out.

And yes indeed- I’ll have a see at your link (maybe I’ll find it there). True, I don’t see a lot of these mics around. A guy I know has a PL-6, and I’d like to get a hold of that one too. He says it’s great for amp cabs. This 661 was given to me by the guy who built my music PC. It seems to work fine, and I really do need to spend some time with it. And my Arp Omni, and my new ADK A-51, and my BASS! Gawd…

Going to see the link now. Thanks!!

Hi Sloom:
When you start posting up here about microphones You press all the buttons on Me and Tom S…

My Mics

Don’t be gett’in us goin… You’ll never hear the end of IT…


Aha! Good to know… :)

I hear from the guy who has the PL-6 I mentioned that the Radio Shack boundary mic is a great kick-drum mic. Opinion? This guy (Randy, “RealSound”) has done some work with Stevie Ray Vaughan, and Caesar (shite! last name…), his guitar tech.

They were stuck for a mic one night- this little band was recording a demo in Randy’s studio, and something happened to the kick mic. Somebody whipped out a Radio Shack boundary thing, and it is said to have been a great sound.

I have an AT871-R and built a shock-mount for it. I’m interested to try that as an overhead (mono).

Bill, what are those EV mics in the Vintage Dynamic photo?

Hi Sloom:
By all accounts that I’ve heard … that Radio Shack Boundry mic is one of a studio standard/acceptable /class microphones for kick drums… As well, IT went around most audio Boards… A Kick drum Mic. made from a speaker mounted in a box that had an XLR plug so the outout could be pluged into a mic preamp… The placment of the speaker, in relation to the kick gave “World Class” results… I know I have a file of the message Board that carried the topic, somewhere… but a “Search” might call IT up…

If you “Mouse Over” the photos of the mics in that link you should come up with the model names of those mics…

Tom used to “Yard Sale” on the weekends, where he lives… Anyway, He came up with some beautiful Vintage mics, in his day… He has a knack for finding Class Audio pieces for pennies… I think he’s surrounded by Vintage Magnets, or something… He talked about these E/V 664’s he found. These mics are Large Diaphram Dynamic mics… They’re like old shoes… They come back in fashon every 25 years-or-so… These mics will produce unheard-of flavors… You just have to find the application/tracks to use them, on… You’re not gonna find any mics that respond like these anymore… Those E/V 635A mics are considered Large Diaphragm mics, as well… But they are omni, in pattern… as opposed to cardioide in pattern…

Tom should be chased out to his Yard Sale places, this summer so he can look-for and find some E/V RE-20 mics… and told not to come back till he finds 2-3 of them… lol… Now, that’s a KICK Drum mic… in my opinion…

Have you got a photo of that AT 871-R mic? I think I recognize it, if I saw a photo of it… Is that a phantom powered mic? or battery operated mic?


]AT 871-R…[/URL]

Well, this is it. Phantom-powered, no batteries. Takes one of those mini-xlr type jacks. Picks up everything- pretty dang sensitive. Got the peepers across the street in the woods one night, pretty cool.

Didn’t mean to make it so darn big. Sheesh… :D

The Bigger-the-Mic… The Bigger-the-Sound… sheeesh…

That ain’t the one I was think’in of…

I’ll bet you could make some pretty good tracks with IT… though… :O


It’s actually a little bigger than real life, here. Sheesh. But I’m getting a band in the place in April, just to kick around and see about pumping out a demo. This’ll be the mono drum OH.
If I can get a camera to boroow, I’ll post a pic of it in the shock-mount ring I made. Kinda neat lookin’.

The neighbor of the beast: the EV 664:

Re: the radio snark boundry - it depends which one you mean - the older ones taht mostly have all fallen apart are the ones people like - there are newer ones that are nothing special, but still fun to have (I have a newer one now, had an older one years ago).

For kicks,
I love my audix D-6.


Of the PL series, the PL 76 is worth looking out for, IMHO, it was unlike other EV mics, it’s an electret condensor and has a cool sound for vocals; and the PL-20 is essentially an RE 20, so if you see one of those cheap get it.

Oh, Bill’s picture reminds me, the 635 is the tops too. :)

Bill - what is that vaguely Shure-55 looking mic at the bottom left of the second photograph of your mics?

It’s a “Good Morning Vietnam” aka. (Robin Williams) Astatic 77 Mic. I believe they were built in Ontario… in-and-around Toronto… IT has a 3-Position switch under the front grill of the mic. Lo 50 ohms Med. 150 ohms and Hi- High imp… The mic originally had a 4-pin amphinal plug in IT … But I converted IT to an XLR plug… The mic is very heavy (in Feel) Originally, I thought IT was a ribbon mic… But the ioslation transformer is HUGH-and Heavy… IT’s just another Look-Alike to the Shure S-55 series of mics. IT’s a respectable sort of microphone, at any rate…

It’s better than a Campbell’s Soup Can, with fishing twine hanging off IT… I used to sit in front of guitar amps… and the bottom end of Leslie 147 and 122 … B-3 cabinets…


Cool - an Astatic 77 - I have two Astatic mics, a little lapel mic that I have used on snare on occasion, and a D-104 lollipop mic, which mostly sits on a shelf and looks cool. :)

30-15000 hz, “the most positive anti-feedback microphone ever made” according to the literature on it. 82 US dollars back in the day. I bet that sounded pretty nice on an amp.

Hi Tom:
Yea… that’s the mic… In relative terms, that mic has a heavty signal output… “Pretty Hot”… If you don’t crawl into IT It has a nice “Room” quality, to IT… I think it’s because it has a high level output… to IT…


Quote (TomS @ Mar. 31 2006,07:37)
The neighbor of the beast: the EV 664:

Re: the radio snark boundry - it depends which one you mean - the older ones taht mostly have all fallen apart are the ones people like - there are newer ones that are nothing special, but still fun to have (I have a newer one now, had an older one years ago).

For kicks,
I love my audix D-6.


Of the PL series, the PL 76 is worth looking out for, IMHO, it was unlike other EV mics, it's an electret condensor and has a cool sound for vocals; and the PL-20 is essentially an RE 20, so if you see one of those cheap get it.

Hey Tom, my 661 has a stand attatchment on it like this one. It also has a Lo or Hi impedance adjustment that you access with a turn of a screw. The screw is under an On/Off switch, Off being the center position, and Lo or Hi being in the alternating up or down position.

Don't know what year this is. I'll be advised about your PL 76- thanks. Lots of old stuff floating around New England!

If you find a PL-20 for cheap, and don’t want it, let me know. :)

Quote (TomS @ April 01 2006,12:24)
If you find a PL-20 for cheap, and don’t want it, let me know. :)

You betcha… :D

I did find another AT871-R on ebay today. Bought it- so now it’ll be stereo OH drum mics! So call me a sell-out…

Let us know what you do with the pair. I’ve never tried it, but I gather there are a number of different ways to use them for drums - way back in 1982 or so a recording dude put two of them on a piece of plywood behind our drummer, and that sounded pretty good. :)

Quote (TomS @ April 02 2006,10:24)
Let us know what you do with the pair. I’ve never tried it, but I gather there are a number of different ways to use them for drums - way back in 1982 or so a recording dude put two of them on a piece of plywood behind our drummer, and that sounded pretty good. :)

Yep, I’ll post. I’m re-thinking ( :p ) my placement idea, and maybe I’ll forego the shock-mounts and just screw 'em to some lexan, or some pieces of countertop (cut-outs for sinks- we’re remodeling kitchens at work), and hang those by shock-cord from the cieling. Either way, don’t know till we get there, but I’ll post pix and mp3’s when I do it. It’ll be fun to contribute something actually pretty informative!

Meanwhile, I just finished the SM-57 mod, and it is indeed different sounding. To bring up the modded mic’s dB to the stock 57’s I ran it through an ART Tube MP. Best as I can tell, it’s a drier sound with more lo-end response. Like everyone says… I like it! Now in painting it outside, I just watched it topple to one side, ruining the nice, blue Rustoleum paint job. :angry: Wait…fix.

Post forthcoming with soundclips of the 57 (by the way, is this an acceptable way to use Don’t want to abuse it…).

Cool Sloom, that’s great. I would like to hear the sound clips. I did NOT get to my mic mod, the in laws stayed around a bit longer than expected… which is a totally good thing… :)