The George Stanley Band Album Info

A Little info

HI folks,
Just wanted to let you all know I will be releasing my 7th Album "Section 8’ later this week, hopefully the 15th of May, As always, it will be free and I will provide links to all the songs, with options for the 320K .MP3’s

Again, all comments will be welcome, good or bad.

Please visit my FB Band page, link below in my sig, and leave a comment if you want to. Pictures of the CD Cover will be there on the 15th. And for a new twist my CD’s will look like old style retro 45’s vinyl. Way Cool.


Hi all,

Some back ground info, as a one man band, the entire production including, mastering albums/cd cover/disk art work, takes about 6 months. Starting in October, early November work begins as I play all instruments except drums sort of, however some drum parts are played via a midi pads with drums sticks so you can say I do play drums just not all the time. but everything else, vocals, guitars, bass, keyboards the whole nine yards is done by me in my home studio. I’ve done this now for 7 straight years. Takes about 6 months and I release in the month of May and it’s always free for everyone. Thanks for listening,