And also there a couple of problems with instruments in the sampler specifically with the loop mode,from the time I updated N-track,it has been in this loop mode,all these issues happened after the recent update.
I don’t know if I’m allowed to ping but @FlavioA
What version of n-Track are you referring to, 10.2.0 or 10.2.1 Beta? Which build number?
I’ve checked both 10.2.0 and 10.2.1 beta and they both show the parameter numbers on our PCs. What is your screen resolution and what is the “Scale” setting in the Windows “Display Settings” box?
Also can you give more details on the loop mode issue?
For the loop mode issue in the sampler,when I create a new Midi channel,the sampler opens up in an unusual loop mode which is not best for playing notes on a keyboard,the loop mode only affects when you are playing on a keyboard but not after you draw the notes on grids,I don’t know if that makes sense.Thx for responding.