Does anyone have any tutorials on how to lay down a basic track using the Strings plug in for N Track?
Can you give us more info on your setup and what steps you have already taken?
Thanks Tony. I will do my best to walk you through my set up and what I have done thus far.
I’ve only been using N-Track for just about a week and I’m completely new to recording.
I have been using my acoustic guitar plugged into my Line 6 UX2 interface.
Interface into my PC laptop.
As far as the steps I have taken…I can get a basic track down and know how to open a new track for recording when playing gutiar.
I’m more interested now in trying to just lay down a basic/factory type preset string sound just so I can play over it.
I have taken my open track…usually Track 1 and clicekd on the EFX section next to the green dot.
I’m then prompted to click on the N-Track efx or I can go down to the N-Track Drums plug in or the Strings plug in.
When I click on it, it brings up a window with what looks like default Strings settings.
I’m looking to take one/any of those default settings and add them to the track.
Does that make sense?
Ok, you’re going in the right direction.
In the upper left tool bar is a button which toggles through 3 functions/icons - one Mic for audio recording, one keys for midi recording and one for both - select the Keyboard icon. As strings/drums etc are soft instruments they are recorded as midi tracks.
Right click on the Strings track on the timline and select pianoroll.
If you have an external midi keyboard plugged-in, you should be able to audition each
string patch (you might need to select the Live button to the right of the transport controls).
If you don’t have a keyboard you could add notes directly to the pianoroll.
Let us know how you are getting along.
Tony, I found the icon in the upper tool bar and honestly I’m lost on the rest. Could you walk me through it step by step so I don’t miss anything. The help is greatly appreciated. Rich