I bought this program specifically to do virtual soundchecks with my Behringer X-Air and X32 mixer. I have no problem recording the tracks in mono, but when I try to play them back through the mixer I can’t figure-out how to route them anywhere other than to a stereo pair of channels. I need to be able to route the OUTput of CH 1 to Channel 1 ONLY: not OUTput 1 AND 2. Same with all subsequent channel pairs. How do I split the stereo OUTputs into 2 mono OUTputs???
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n-Track treats outputs as stereo pairs, so to send a track to say output 3 you can send it to the “output 3/4” stereo pair and pan it hard left. Panning will have the side effect of altering the volume, when using the default “constant power” pan law. You can right click on the pan slider and set the pan law to “legacy” so that the volume of the channel you pan towards will not be boosted.