volume issues,,,

i had taken some midi files an recorded them to n track,i used the recording meter to gadge the volume,but they still come out sounding at diff volumes,is there a way to make sure they all come out same?

You could use the feature in NTrack to convert the MIDI files to audio.

But, I don’t know if it is soooo important to get them all the same volume anyway. Cause you can always adjust the track volumes after the fact. Maybe if you give the reason you want to accomplish the result above, someone might be able to assist you.

what i was doing was putting the midi files to ntrack so i could burn them to a CD,like i said i figured by watching the meter i’d be ok,but after i had burned them an got them on the player they came out at diff volumes per song,some wer ok an matched others an some were quieter then others,???????

MIDI volume in the sense of what you are seeing in the meters is based on MIDI note velocity. The only way to truly balance the volume is to balance the wave output volume from the synth.

Note that the meters in n-Track are “peak” meters, which don’t tell you much about how loud something sounds. For that, you need a “VU” or “RMS” meter. Yes, I know that the meters are labeled “VU”, but they’re not VU meters (that should be fixed). VU stands for “Volume Units” and was a cheap way to make an analog meter that was a good approximation for how loud something would SEEM, way back when. RMS is a measurement that’s easy to do in the digital domain and also is a reasonable (but not perfect) approximation of how loud something would sound to the human ear. The “how loud” thing is really a lot harder to do perfectly than you’d think, because the human ear is pretty complex in its responsiveness.

Mostly we use RMS meters in plugins like “Inspector” to guage how loud successive tunes will sound.

Making a number of tunes fit well in a collection is an important part of what’s called “Mastering”. There’s no “set and forget” knob to do this complex job. The best bet is to use an RMS meter to get the tunes all in the right ballpark, and then actually listen to them one after another, and adjust as needed.

Compression is a tool that can help. It reduces the dynamic range in a song (gee, is that always a good thing? NO!) But it makes it a lot easier for songs to fit together when each song has less dynamic range.

For more on that, see this article, which is a newbie primer on mastering – though it’s more about audio than MIDI.