What I did the weekend

Outing with 7500 other motorcycles

Toy Run !

We have a charity event every year (last Sunday in November). It is a HUGE get together where the ‘entry fee’ is at least one toy for a child between 2 and 17. The organizers then take these toys and distribute them to children hospitals, shelters and orphanages.

There was about 7500 motorcycles of any shape and size and about double that amount in people. A rough estimate is that there would have been about 20 000 toys donated by just the Cape Town toy run.

The one in Johannesburg (the capitol of South Africa) had about 13000 bikes alone.

It is very cool to join other people and being part of something bigger than what we are.

This is me making sure that the teddybear was gonna stay put on the back seat. (I’m the overnourished one with the cap on…)
It is custom to have a soft toy on the bike somewhere, as the mascot of the toy run is a teddybear.

This is just after the start. You’ll see the group flowing onto the freeway (notice Table Mountain at the back!).
This snake was about 10 km long…

One of the parking fields.
The bikes was right up to the trees at the back, and by this time about half of the people was still on the road…

It was hot(summer here), but worth it.


Looks like fun Wihan! I have not had a bike since the mid eighties. Someday… someday…


I like the mountain. :)

Nice event Wihan! Well done to you and everyone else that took part. Looks like a good time also, so everybody wins :)

By the way… I’m overnourished, not much hair, with a greying goatee beard… apart from that we’re not at all similar :;):

Take care mate!


…By the way… I’m overnourished, not much hair, with a greying goatee beard… apart from that we’re not at all similar :;):


:D :D

I like the mountain. :)

Thanks ! So do we … :p

I just thought about it afterwards - it is like taking a photo in Paris with the Tower or Arc in the distance (or London and Big Ben, tower Bridge or the Eye, NY and Lady Liberty). Our landmark is just bigger and wasn’t built by us …

The sad thing is that we get so used to the mountain we hardly notice it. Every now and then I pull off the road and LOOK at it again.

I like Cape Town