Easy to use drums
I need to add some drums to my music and I would like to here what you think about this drummer.
If its a 24 bit would I still be able to mixdown to burn a track to a CD?
I haven’t seen this machine yet but it looks like a good machine for me being a one man band.
any experience with this, or how’s the specs look to you?
the future is in the circuit bent stuff (analog step-sequencer/drum machines (TR-707, 808 909 etc).
check them out on YOutube.
I guess it depends on the type of music you are wanting to do.
Personally I don’t think that Alesis SR-18 has enough output options,
the older analog drum machines I am mentioning (Roland TR series) have different faders on each track (eg. kick, snare, hihat, etc) and different audio outputs for each as well so you can get all the sounds into your mixer and computer separately for later ITB mixing/FX.
oh sorry,
to answer your question all CD burners (besides industrial blueray) mix down in 16 bit regardless of what you start at,
so there should be no problem with a device that records in 24bit, in fact your computer and Ntrack probably is already doing that.
The samples on the drum machine are 24 bit… and then you will record the analog output. So the bit depth is whatever you set Ntrack to record at. As for 808s, 909s, etc… the future was apparently 30 years ago and Jerm is into dance and hip hop.
If I were you, I would look to something like EZDrummer for real drum sounds assuming Ntrack doesn’t puke all over it.
I was under the impression he was looking for a hardware drum solution.
forgive me for my pestilence Oh, great one.
in any event step sequencers are more versatile than preset drum loops like the (Alesis SR-18) especially if you want to export your own patterns as MIDI for later work in PC.
They are user programmable step sequencers/drum machines with Midi and audio out so they are capable of more than just Dance and Hip-hop Bubba, in fact if you search you may find many of the rock bands out today and for the last 20 years or so have been using them (NIN,Peter Gabriel,etc etc)
I said the future was in circuit bending(CV logic/OSC trigger type stuff), not 30 year old drum machines it can be done to anything on the market, even an ipod…
If I were you, I would look to something like EZDrummer for real drum sounds assuming Ntrack doesn't puke all over it.
So you'll need a bucket, a note pad and a folder for the screenshots

Thanks for the Input guys… I made the trip to the music store and they had the SR18, I can return it withen 30 days if i dont like it, so Its here with me now
The music I like is country and the blues
Its got a bunch of presets on it plus i can make my own<--------I got some reading to do on that part.
Its all hooked up and sounds great through the mixer…A new step for my shade tree recording studio/Chicken coop
Cool. Dan, are you aware that you can run virtual instruments within n-Track. Unless you have a love of “hardware”, which is also cool.
Cool. Dan, are you aware that you can run virtual instruments within n-Track. Unless you have a love of "hardware", which is also cool.
No I wasn't aware of that, But I have some amps in the basement plus out here in the chicken coop so I can move this drum machine around, So yes I do like the hardware.
But I'm liking this little drum machine, It will also run on 4 aa batteries.
My next step will be to get a drum track that sounds good for one of my songs.
I may have to dig the old Les paul out and see what happens

that is why I initially said it depends on the type of music you are going to do,
country and blues, this should suite your needs well.
An added benefit should you get the chance to explore it is the MIDI out.
By utilizing that you can take the loops into Ntrack and manipulate them as midi tracks inside the piano roll a lot easier, adding fill’s, cymbals, volume build ups and break downs where you want them etc etc. and then put them through any sfz (vst) you want and add FX.
In theory you could also then play those modified MIDI arrangements/beats on channel 10 inside NTrack and hear them back out of the SR-18 through it’s drums and record them, adjusting the volume of each individual part of the drum kits and attack.
first thing I would look for is a used Motu Fastland on Ebay, don’t pay more than $25 for it tho, that’s reasonable in today’s market.
that’s MOTU Fastlane
sorry type-o board would not let me edit.
I was under the impression he was looking for a hardware drum solution.
forgive me for my pestilence Oh, great one.
in any event step sequencers are more versatile than preset drum loops like the (Alesis SR-18) especially if you want to export your own patterns as MIDI for later work in PC.
They are user programmable step sequencers/drum machines with Midi and audio out so they are capable of more than just Dance and Hip-hop Bubba, in fact if you search you may find many of the rock bands out today and for the last 20 years or so have been using them (NIN,Peter Gabriel,etc etc)

I said the future was in circuit bending(CV logic/OSC trigger type stuff), not 30 year old drum machines it can be done to anything on the market, even an ipod.....

Dude, he wants acoustic drum sounds. 808/909 ain't acoustic drum sounds regardless of who used them. No matter, sounds like he is already taken care of.
I was under the impression he was looking for a hardware drum solution.
forgive me for my pestilence Oh, great one.
in any event step sequencers are more versatile than preset drum loops like the (Alesis SR-18) especially if you want to export your own patterns as MIDI for later work in PC.
They are user programmable step sequencers/drum machines with Midi and audio out so they are capable of more than just Dance and Hip-hop Bubba, in fact if you search you may find many of the rock bands out today and for the last 20 years or so have been using them (NIN,Peter Gabriel,etc etc)

I said the future was in circuit bending(CV logic/OSC trigger type stuff), not 30 year old drum machines it can be done to anything on the market, even an ipod.....

Dude, he wants acoustic drum sounds. 808/909 ain't acoustic drum sounds regardless of who used them. No matter, sounds like he is already taken care of.
he didn't specify that until after me and you responded (when he indicated the type of music he likes).
if I didn't know you better I'd assume you are yankin' my chain here or trying to get a rise out of me

in any event the TR series step sequencers with midi out are only as limited in sound as the sounds in your modules and software synths.

For under 300 bucks I think I got a pretty good drummer here. And I didn’t notice the midi outputs in the back , I really have no idea at this time how to use the midi (later on down the road), I had to split wood and plow snow today so I never had the time to play with the machine, or read the manual…but thanks for the info guys and your knowledge about the electronics.I’m sure I will have the odd question here and there.
For under 300 bucks I think I got a pretty good drummer here. And I didn't notice the midi outputs in the back

MIDI has a bit of a learning curve on it.
it's just data not notes, so if you played a beat on the drum machine and had a USB Fastlane that data would go into Ntrack when recorded (along with the audio tracks too!).
Once inside Ntrack you could edit the data (make cymbals louder or softer, take out certain hit hat notes, add others, etc etc, then play it back out the MIDI port through the drum machine to hear your new beat through it's sounds.
this is great if you have a beat idea you just can't seem to find in the presets, certain 6/8 and 6/4 beats fall into that category (like Fooled Around and Fell in Love- Elvin Bishop) my drum machine only plays 4/4 on it's loops so playing that song it was necessary to program the beat in Midi myself.
Also there are literally MILLIONS of midi files for famous songs already free or at little cost online, and about 1,000 take up less space than a single wav. file, so lots of benefits to be had for the courageous (especially when it comes to covers)

if I didn't know you better I'd assume you are yankin' my chain here or trying to get a rise out of me

in any event the TR series step sequencers with midi out are only as limited in sound as the sounds in your modules and software synths.

Sure, you can trigger other synths with the 707 or 909, but they haven't been made for 30 years and used (707, 808, 909) they go for >$ 1500-2500... I just don't understand the suggestion.
if I didn't know you better I'd assume you are yankin' my chain here or trying to get a rise out of me

in any event the TR series step sequencers with midi out are only as limited in sound as the sounds in your modules and software synths.

Sure, you can trigger other synths with the 707 or 909, but they haven't been made for 30 years and used (707, 808, 909) they go for >$ 1500-2500... I just don't understand the suggestion.
He could easily have gotten one for what he payed for the Alesis SR-18.
or even better half of that:
eg. Roland R-8
that's a typical price for that model, has all the TR-808, 909, 707 samples as well as step sequence ability, quantizing, and even an autosync record feature (really good when taking beats to and from the computer via Midi for editing different instruments in the kit)
I think the idea, if one could grasp the concept, was I was suggesting looking for a hardware step sequencer/drum machine combination with midi IN/OUT for full versatility and integration with the DAW beats, those were just models I could recall of the top of my head.
I'm sure there are plenty of other drum machine offerings in the Alesis SR-18's price range that offer grid step sequencers if one wants to go *New $$$ personally I feel much of the newer stuff is overprices and under-functional since most companies are abandoning step LED grid displays for USB DAW editing options


The samples on the drum machine are 24 bit... and then you will record the analog output. So the bit depth is whatever you set Ntrack to record at. As for 808s, 909s, etc... the future was apparently 30 years ago and Jerm is into dance and hip hop.
If I were you, I would look to something like EZDrummer for real drum sounds assuming Ntrack doesn't puke all over it.
EZDrummer is wonderful, and it was selling for 29 USA dollars a while back, through Sweetwater, but now I see that it's 99 bucks. Still a HUGE bargain.
He could easily have gotten one for what he payed for the Alesis SR-18.
or even better half of that:
eg. Roland R-8
that's a typical price for that model, has all the TR-808, 909, 707 samples as well as step sequence ability, quantizing, and even an autosync record feature (really good when taking beats to and from the computer via Midi for editing different instruments in the kit)
I think the idea, if one could grasp the concept, was I was suggesting looking for a hardware step sequencer/drum machine combination with midi IN/OUT for full versatility and integration with the DAW beats, those were just models I could recall of the top of my head.
I'm sure there are plenty of other drum machine offerings in the Alesis SR-18's price range that offer grid step sequencers if one wants to go *New $$$ personally I feel much of the newer stuff is overprices and under-functional since most companies are abandoning step LED grid displays for USB DAW editing options


Ok, we ARE talking about different things... you don't mean a TR808 but 808 sounds (or you are back pedaling and being a smart ass)... you mean something like an R8 or DR660/670/770 which IS NOT A TR808! Dude's a noob, be clear. Otherwise I imagine him scanning eBay and calling every pawn shop in town to be sorely disappointed.