Garritan Perosnal Orch.

anyone here using it?

I splurged and got it this week. Played with it last night for about 3 hours. Ooolala. :)

I have had it for about a year now. The Christmas record I did last year I used GPO for.

That’s what we got it for - to add some strings and the like. What do you like / dislike about it?

Hrm, not much I don’t like really. The piano is absolutely the best sampled piano I think I have ever heard despite it being only 2 velocity layers. The resonance of the piano is VERY realistic. The woodwinds are top notch. Again, I don’t know of a better collection of double reeds or clarinets. The strings can take some getting used to, but they are great too. I dunno, I love it.

I gave the clarinets a workout, and I thought the realism of the solo clarinet (sorry, don’t recall the patch) was amazing. I really liked the “lush strings” for a quick string setting, and yes, the piano is something. The harpsichord is dead on, and the percussion in general is too. Lots to work with. :)

Here is one of the Christmas tracks I did using 100% Garritan. I mean, the woodwinds absolutely knock me over and the realism of the harp… dear lord. Just listen tot he “reedyness” of the winds. I mean, I hear real reeds vibrating there.

Woodwind Example

Here is one where I used more horns and strings. I love the harpsichord here too…

Full Orchestra Example

Amazing. Great singing too on the first. . Really great. That you? :)

What did you use for a sequencer? How much RAM in your computer?

No, not me singing. That is Kristi and one of her students. We do a trio around town at Christmas doing this stuff as well as an Italian set for the rest of the year.

I did the bulk of the sequencing in N honestly. I dumped MIDIs out a few times and messed with it in Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 for some really tweaky stuff. Cakewalk has notation editing, so for some of the bigger arrangements it helped to see a real score for working out harmonies. As for RAM, 1.25 GB.

I thought you knew I put this record out last year? Huh, well, come Christmas time again, I’ll have to post snippets. I still have 50 copies or so lying around…

Here are two more tunes that I have out on the web.

Piano example (that’s our very own Marce who sequenced the piano)
Another full orchestra example

Amazing what you can do with a few good vocalists in your living room and a sample library. I recorded all of the vocals in the dining room with my trusty SM7.

Halion and bunch of gigasamples. Here’s a nice freebie site…

I guess I knew, Bubba, but there you go. :) Really a fabulous job. I played it for my Peabody trained wife and she agreed. :D

Love the sound of the SM7 too.

I will preach the SM7 forever. The easiest mic to get a great sound out of I have ever used.

And I am glad you liked the tracks. It was about a year of work to put the whole thing together. Luckily, the vocals were a two Saturday sort of thing. They nailed the vocals quickly… Keeping track of 30 MIDI tracks and making them do what you want for one tune is a bit more time consuming… :;):

Quote (Bubbagump @ Oct. 21 2005,08:33)
Keeping track of 30 MIDI tracks and making them do what you want for one tune is a bit more time consuming.... :;):

Still, its better than trying to keep track of 15-20 musicians, feeding, housing and PAYING them! :p

GPO don't talk back and stomp out of the room either I bet! :D


Well, it does crash like you wouldn’t believe when you try to load 4 GB of samples with only 1.25 of RAM and disable disk streaming. :;):

Quote (Bubbagump @ Oct. 21 2005,10:26)
Well, it does crash like you wouldn't believe when you try to load 4 GB of samples with only 1.25 of RAM and disable disk streaming. :;):

Sounds like a headspace problem?

TG :laugh:
Quote (Bubbagump @ Oct. 21 2005,10:26)
Well, it does crash like you wouldn't believe when you try to load 4 GB of samples with only 1.25 of RAM and disable disk streaming. :;):

I've noticed that. At least it warns me that it is going to happen. :)

I’ve decided: the baroque organ kills.

Bubba, I can’t quite figure out the legato instructions. You understand them? I also can’t figure out how to assign the mod wheel to a midi track. Of course, I’m in Orion, so you prob. don’t know.


It’s Friday and I’m still at work…SOOOOO…

If it ain’t baroque don’t mix it.


Ar ar ar ar ar! :)

I am thinking very heavily of buying Garritan. How does it compare to East West Silver Symphonic? How does it compare to the gold edition of the same name? I own Silver and was seriously thinking of upgrading to Gold, but I have not been totally thrilled with some of the instrument samples. Is Garritan high quality? 16 bit or 24 bit? Let me know what you all think, as I intend to buy it this week. Thanks everyone.
