Impeach Bush

What me thinks we must keep in mind is that the presidential election isn’t that far away in many of these folks minds and the Dems and repubs are scambling to be king of the hill. If Bush’s poll numbers are down and the popular thing is to throw Bush under the bus, guess what, both sides will be doing this just to be able to say in 2 years “I know Bush was a sucker… but not me… lookie what I tried to do but dumb dumb Bush wouldn’t let me.” I am no Bush fan and I think I could do a better job in my jammies than he could some days, but politics is politics. No loyalty amongst theives.


What? A President can authorize a WAR without congressional approval? There are Democrats in congress right?

Do you think they would have delared it a “police action” had they not had the votes? But the fact remains that the intelligense was garbage. This will be the argument for our generation… who shot JFK, who lied to who about Iraq. So who was at fault for garbage intel? Tenet? Bush? Cheney? Regan? Chalabi? Martha Stewart? A combination of factors?


but politics is politics. No loyalty amongst theives.


D – still lookin’…

Would anyone happen to know what intel Bill Clinton was looking at when he warned Bush in September 2002 not to invade Iraq for fear that Saddam would used his WMD against us?? Certainly he was speaking from experience and former executive privilege …


“Saddam Hussein is not a good man by our definition,” said the former president. “There’s no question … he has significant stocks of chemical and biological agents.”

“I think we have to assume that if he knows we’re coming … he’ll do everything he can to use them,” said Mr. Clinton. “That’s the only risk … it’s an issue the president has to address.”


Back to the question… where does the buck stop? Somebody was full of it somewhere and has been for some time… The Illuminati don’t want you to know. :;): Though, the UN inspectors did keep saying they weren’t finding anything… but Saddam didn’t help his cause any by looking like he was playing the shell game. Dumb dumb Saddam should have thrown up his hands and said “You guys got me, I don’t have any weapons… well, back to torturing my people…” Then what would have happened? Would we have stopped the violence like we swooped in and did in Sudan? Oh, wait, we didn’t swoop into Sudan… But we did in Afghanistan! Oh, that was after years of Taliban rule. Osama was the motivating factor there. Hrm… ??? I have no choice to think that Bush indeed did think he had good intelligence… we don’t seem to help anyone out any more for any other reason than our own interests. (You see how I turned that around? See, I could do a better job in my jammies some days… :D )

Quote (gtr4him @ Nov. 14 2005,12:54)
To be the bully, you have to have power and the dems have none.

What? A President can authorize a WAR without congressional approval? There are Democrats in congress right?


EDIT** Bat-dude beat me to it...
Fact: 21 democrats voted against the war only 1 republican voted against.

Since the republicans here feel so strongly about how the democrats are just as much to blame for the countrys current condition, I have a question;

How many of you feel that the United States is doing as good or better today than during the Clinton era?

Or how about the neo-con politicizing of science?

The GAO on emergency contraceptive:


FDA officials, including the Director and Deputy Director of the Office of New Drugs and the Directors of the Offices of Drug Evaluation III and V, told us that they were told by high-level management that the Plan B OTC switch application would be denied months before staff had completed their reviews of the application. The Director and Deputy Director of the Office of New Drugs told us that they were told by the Acting Deputy Commissioner for Operations43 and the Acting Director of CDER, after the Plan B public meeting in December 2003, that the decision on the Plan B application would be not-approvable. They informed us that they were also told that the direction for this decision came from the Office of the Commissioner. ? Both office reviews were not completed until April 2004.

The fellow who was going to deny it? The Anti-Choice repub, then-FDA Commissioner Lester Crawford.

Full report:

It’s just like shooting fish in a barrell… :)


Since the republicans here feel so strongly about how the democrats are just as much to blame for the countrys current condition

Was this directed to me? I have never affiliated myself with either party. However, the Democrats ARE just as guilty as the Republicans for the current state of the US. As Tom posted…

Well, I recetnly heard D.C. described as a town filled with political entrepreneurs looking out only for themselves.

There is the real problem IMO. Come election time, vote OUT the career politicians regardless of their party affiliation and see what happens.

Parting shot. This guy gets it…

Democratic Gov. Mark Warner of Virginia:

I heard Senator McCain earlier, and I, you know, have tremendous respect for Senator McCain. But I think the Democratic Party ought to get over refighting how we got into the war and, again, continue to press the president on what he hopes to do in terms of how we will finish the job.

I think we ought to focus again how we finish the job, not go back and refight how we got there in the first place.

I’m done.


I’d say this guy gets it…



Heh. That’s cool Doc. Slightly irreverent, but cool. :D


Well, if you liked PNAC, you’ll love the Project for the Old American Century:

good site,Tom-good info…as far as this dem/rep thing,let me say this .i’m far on the left,but i think the dems sold out long ago,they don’t have any ideas they aren’t afraid to put forth.they’ve become an agent of big business.they have abandoned theur trad support base,mainly the middle class,poor,unions,etc.theyare all cowards for not comming out against the war.i’ve never seen a liar like kerry,what does he believe?more troops/less troops?etc…

once again i will say :if you think the 2 parties represent any kind of political choice you are missing the larger picture.iraqs don’t care dem or rep…
it’s time for a grass-roots movement.a 3rd party that represents the people disenfranchised by the war for 'globalism"i’m talking about a lot of folks…will it happen?

audiobru - I agree with you that the Democrat’s don’t have a clear message right now but I don’t think we’ve abandoned our traditional base completely.

I also don’t agree that Kerry is lying but his message is too complicated, because everything is not black & white with him, i.e., there are nuisances.

Having said that, the Democrat’s don’t have an Iraq plan either but neither do the Republicans, so that’s OK with me.

Audiobru, as a union officer, I totally agree. The dems mostly get my votes b/c there are no good alternatives.


Having said that, the Democrat’s don’t have an Iraq plan either but neither do the Republicans, so that’s OK with me

I’ve been trying to figure this out for the last few years. My best guess is that the Democrats are sitting back and waiting till the Republicans crash and burn. If that is the case, it is dispicable. To allow the United States and the world to suffer at the hands of a small group of self-centered, greedy, politicians is playing politics in the worst way.

When I was young, my mother told me that if your enemy plays dirty, you will need to stoop as low as your enemy and play just as dirty. She knew that this went against my nature. Is this how the Democrats play dirty?



If that is the case, it is dispicable.

Yes & no. You don’t need to beat a man if they’re already hanging themselves. The Democrat’s don’t have any real power & they lost big in the last election, so really the only thing they can do is sit back & watch the Republicans screw up (asssuming they do that). Sure they could try to take the moral, high ground but today, that is fighting the terrorists, so it’s hard to go against that, hence the waffling on Iraq.


I’ve been trying to figure this out for the last few years. My best guess is that the Democrats are sitting back and waiting till the Republicans crash and burn. If that is the case, it is dispicable. To allow the United States and the world to suffer at the hands of a small group of self-centered, greedy, politicians is playing politics in the worst way.

This is exactly what I keep coming back to. Both sides suck. Both sides are tied into big business and special interests. Neither really has a plan to do anything except plan/campaign for re-elections so they can keep their cushy jobs and retire wealthy while the rest of just work ourselves to death.

We are so screwed…

D – still lookin’…
Quote (MidnightToker @ Nov. 30 2005,00:18)
If that is the case, it is dispicable.

Yes & no. You don't need to beat a man if they're already hanging themselves. The Democrat's don't have any real power & they lost big in the last election, so really the only thing they can do is sit back & watch the Republicans screw up (asssuming they do that). Sure they could try to take the moral, high ground but today, that is fighting the terrorists, so it's hard to go against that, hence the waffling on Iraq.
Let the guy hang himself... okay, but don't let his dead body fall on innocents. I think the DEms woul dbe in much better shape if they had an alternative plan to pitch and just hammered on it... majority in congress or not. It doesn't take very many McCain's to get the votes you need.

As a matter of fact, the Democrats are split on what to do. Hillary has recently said we need to finish the job. Last week a Democratic hawk, a war vet, said we should start pulling out. Although his beliefs were misconstrued by the media & the right, you can see that the party is split.

My position is that the same as Hillary’s. Now we are there, we need to stay until the Iraqi’s can run the country themselves.

Then Mr. Dean needs to decide the party line and get the party to sign on and stick to it. That would get the dems ahead by leaps and bounds. I am no fan of Tom Delay, but at least when he had the reigns he got folks to tow the line adn no matter how much they may have lied and cheated, the public knew the message they were trying to get across.