It's offiical - Franken's running

Get ready Clarke

Franken Video.

I just listened to his last day on AA. It’s hard to believe he’s been on for 3 years.

It will be interesting to see how he does in MN.

I hang my head in shame…

Seriously though, I just read the text of this statement…not bad. I give him credit for not sounding like an idiot.

It’s official: Yet another US election appears to be looming.

Oh God! Another two years of every damm topic on the “Anything Goes” forum, being about every damm detail of it. :(


Yeah, it’s Ok Mike, I remember; “no licky, no clicky, no dicky” :(

Quote (Guest @ Feb. 14 2007,21:27)
It's official: Yet another US election appears to be looming.

Oh God! Another two years of every damm topic on the "Anything Goes" forum, being about every damm detail of it. :(


And just remember that anyone here who is not from the USA has only a vague clue about what you are on about. :-)

Sorry about that…

I am now the watchdog…nothing that only we stupid Americans care about in this forum anymore.

now let’s play football(that soccer to us stoopid americans)


Ach! I don’t really mind Clark, it makes a change reading about someone else’s idiots instead of ours. :)

It’s just that a year or two ago, there was a time when every single topic on the first page was about people I’d never heard about, issues I didn’t care about, and interminable debates about whether it should be Michael Moore or Ann Coulter who should be elected next pope! :D

“Our Beatles are better than your Rolling Stones” - Homer Simpson when in the UK

I just watched the video. I’d vote for him. He’s serious.


Oh God! Another two years of every damm topic on the “Anything Goes” forum, being about every damm detail of it.

Nah - I just like to bug Clark because Franken is running in his state. Isn’t good old Al known all over the world? :laugh:

By the way, the last US election was important to all citizens of the world! When you’ve got someone, who’s willing to start a pre-emptive war, it’s important to the WORLD!

Plus, the terrorists are gunning for you too “A”. :p

I Know Al Franken. Al Franken is a Friend of Mine. Norm [Coleman], You’re No Al Franken


Plus, the terrorists are gunning for you too “A”.

Yeah, I hate those terrorists. :angry:

Mind you, I’ve a lot of respect for freedom fighters. :;):

If only I could figure out which is which. ???

You gotta wonder how well Bill O’Reilly is sleeping these days.

I mean, the prospect of Al Franken possessing real political power? That’s gotta be O’Reilly’s worse nightmare. Franken has demonstrated again and again that he’s got O’Reilly’s number to the nth decimal and even a moron like O’Reilly has to know it. Not in his public -I’m above all that - stance but in his private world; how well can he sleep knowing that someone smarter, more accomplished, and with more savvy may well be elected to public office? A public office to which O’Reilly himself could easily be elected but could never serve.

It’s gotta rankle.

Beat me to it ‘A’, but in the meantime I’ll try and contribute more than:

“Take it to another forum Soultoker”.

Cripes, feels just like yesterday that the US had an election.

Yeah! Let’s talk about Australian politicians talking about USA politics! :D


Another comedian running for office, so what else is new?

Who will be next, Foxworthy? Larry The Cable Guy? Bernie Mac? jeezzzz:(

Footnote, just don’t eat the Peter Pan peanut butter, my friends daughter did and was sick for 9 days.

Quote (Willy @ Feb. 16 2007,20:30)
Cripes, feels just like yesterday that the US had an election.

Probably feels like an eternity to David Hicks…



Probably feels like an eternity to David Hicks…

Or at least like 5 years.
Quote (BillClarke @ Feb. 15 2007,23:42)
even a moron like O'Reilly

...could probably spell his own name correctly in his forum signature!