Judgement Day

Could you explan to the ignorant how those scriptures tie in with comets and NASA?



You do not take responsibility for your own soul and your own shortcomings. Instead you you cast them at the feet of women and thus make yourself less than she is. You curse she who bore you into this world. How would you treat your own girl child?

BTW: To go forth and multiply requires both woman and man.

You spout scripture out of context and in a language that is merely a translation of an earlier translation. Have you stood with the parchments maintained by the holy line of scribes, guided by one who has studied each and every letter as their lives work, one who has wrestled with the ambiguities of the original language (they do exist) and the contradictary passages, poured over reams of commentary, spent night after night in discussion and argument with other lifetime scholars, keepers of the word?

“Can you open your heart to Him and say that you have obeyed Him in every Way?” - Can any human.

You seem very proud of yourself. I believe the power of example far exceeds the power of words. Is it not a good thing to pray quietly and walk humbly in the world?


Quote (TrackGrrrl @ July 06 2005,02:59)
You do not take responsibility for your own soul and your own shortcomings. Instead you you cast them at the feet of women and thus make yourself less than she is.

Maybe he's just trying to tell us that he's gay.

Phoo - That Satan’s Rapture site is hilarious!!! It’s a joke, right?

I’m afraid it’s not…I hope I’m wrong. Actually, I’ve tried to weed out the parodies so none of the links go to fake sites. Let’s just say that we might have issues with each other on some subjects ocassionally but then there are “others” out there… :)


Septictank and Wilhan and Scantee you are sinners who will burn in Hellfire and The Lord have mercy on your SOuls

Why, thank you !

But I’ll rather let the Son of the living God make that decision once I meet Him face to face if that’s alright with everyone.

You obviously missed the part about 'Judge not others so that you will not be judged’


Don’t the rest of you recognise a troll when you see one ?

Talking about fruitcakes - Phoo that Satanrapture guy sure is a few chicks short of a roost if you know what I’m saying.

It would be hilerious if it wasn’t so sad that he did it in the name of Christianity.

That is the type of person that make people look at me when I proclaim my faith and then make the assumption that I am just as nuts as what these guys are.

Oh and Jerm - you know what it is about - thanks for posting and saying what you did.

What da #### wuz dat?

Ok I’ll bite.

Disclaimer : Warning : Christian perspective post to follow !


Do not flirt with Satan gtr4him. One small compromise is all it takes for eternal damnation.

I’m not saying to deal lightly with God’s Grace and Jesus’ price He paid for us for salvation, but my image of God and Jesus is of a more loving Father than one ready to #### you at every little wrong step we take. The whole plan of John 3:16 was becuase God wanted us to be saved, but someone had to pay the price.
Now it’s done. God’s grace and Jesus’ salvation is free. It’s not cheap.

Jermeyesdemo you too take The Lord too lightly. You dont have to pray to hear his Word you just have to listen. He speaks to us all the time. Just like Satan does. And only your total acceptance of HIm can let you know which is which. Sometimes its hard but a righteous man can cast Satan behind him and rejoice in the Word of The Lord.

You say he takes the Lord too lightly, and then you echo what he said ? You agree with him, and then scold him for it ?

And there is no love between Men and Women only foul lust.
The Lord created woman as a companion but she became a vessel of Satan.

Here you have it so far off it is not even funny. Do you still live in 1500 ?
She was the 1st point of contact for the sin, but man decided to eat as well - not her fault. And if you really want to look at it that way (wich I don’t) - then she is paying enough just by having the painfull birth process…

You must then also believe that no marriage is within God’s will, and that no two Christian people could love one another with eros and agape ?

Even our Lord although he was born of a virgin was corrupted. When he cried out Father why have you forsaken me that was because of the corruption of a woman.

1st off - where do you base that on ? Scripture ? Show me.
2nd - Are you saying Jesus was corrupted and not perfect ?
He was the only one that was EVER without fault or blame.
He cried out Eli lama sabachtani becuase for that moment He was carrying the sin of the world and God His father could not bear to look at Him, and turned His face away as His Son decended into #### on our behalf. He died for sin that man put on himself, not because of the woman.
How many spliff’s do you have to work through before your statement “because of the corruption of a woman” makes sense to you ?

Love is only for the LOrd God and that is a painful Love.

Does that mean that the 2nd commandment (love your neighbour as you love yourself) is then bogus ?
You must honour (and love) your parents ?
How ?

Women are creatures of Satan and need to be cleansed. They tempt us and try to lead us to ####

God made us in His image, and created woman from one of our ribs. Then she was made by Him, and also in His image.

Question: According to you - is it possible then that woman are saved, and can go to Heaven, or not ?

Septictank and Wilhan and Scantee you are sinners who will burn in Hellfire and The Lord have mercy on your SOuls.

Again, I will be judged by no man, but only by my Lord Jesus Christ when I meet Him. I am a sinner, and the Lord do have mercy on me. Not becuase of what I’ve done, but because of what He’s done. I try and please Him and follow His ‘laws’ not because that will bring me salvation (or damnation if I don’t) , but becuase I am thankfull for what He’s done, and i will do my best to try and please Him. I fail daily. That does not mean that I’m lost.

If you are right it does sound like you are the only one that’s going to be in your heaven, and then, quite frankly, I’ll take my chances with Ali and the rest.

If you are a real life person (and I doubt it) , I’m sure you must have lots of friends with this atitude.

Quote (YazMiester @ July 06 2005,06:39)
What da #### wuz dat?

I don't know why, but that reply had me giggling for a couple of minutes ...


Cheers Yaz !


OK, wasn’t gonna say anything, walked away from puter, thought about your quotes from Bible, Gideon, it’s obvious you weren’t concieved in the normal manner, seems someone masterbated into a flower pot and had a “blooming idiot”. After spending the night with my mother at the hospital, seeing her pain, hearing her praise the Lord for giving her a wonderful life and then reading your posts, just made my dander get into a huge fluff! There is a second book in the Bible, the teachings of Jesus, the guidelines to how you are supposed to live your life. Condeming Women and other n-Trackers is not the way.

To all you ladies out there, I take a bow to thee, just for putting up with us guys!

To all n-Trackers out there, I appologize for not being wealthy enough to buy everyone Les Paul’s for your birthdays.

A very sleep deprived Yaz.

Oh and btw,

Have a nice day all!


Theres a special deep Pit in #### for those who mock the Lord and His Word.

Shrug, I’m not mocking the word of god, I’m mocking you…

YOU GO GUYS!! Wihan, Jeremy, Yaz, Willy… sic 'em!

I’ll pray for your mis-guided soul Gideon. After all, WE are commanded to love ALL. (Yes, that includes the female of the species…)


Quote (Wihan Stemmet @ July 06 2005,01:24)
Don’t the rest of you recognise a troll when you see one ?

Yes–Gideon smells like both a troll AND a parody–mostly parody–BUT it’s fun every now and then. Thanks, Gid! :laugh:


Got that right, TG! :)

Wihan, very well put and I commend you for your thoughtful answers and questions to , whatever , Grungeon, Grimeon, oh yeah Gideon.

My first post this am was from a dis-connected brain, with toothpicks holding eyelids open, zzzzzzzzzzzzzz, oops, dozed off for a sec.

Sitting drinking my first cup o java at 5:45 this morning the comments about women really P.O.‘ed me. Let’s ponder where man would be today without women. We would not have survived pass Adam and Steve, LMAO
But if we had, there would be no toilet seats.
There would be no floral design fabrics (unless Adam and Steve were decorators)
No daycare centers (guys “CAN’T HANDLE THE PRESSURE”)
No Oprah
No Richard Simmons Sweatin’ To The Oldies Tapes
No Diet Pepsi or Coke
No vegetables, just steak
No ABBA (hey that might have not been so bad)
and the list could go on forever…

Still sleep deprived running on coffee high Yaz

Personally, I quite like Gideon, and am awaiting his next post with baited breath! :D

Is he the same person who posted recently about how the sun could not possibly have burned as much mass as it has?

If so, I still await your figures Gideon. :cool:

Or perhaps it’s the new incarnation of the “new” Limey! Found Shaftesbury Avenue yet then me old mate? LOL


I’ll bet ya a dollar that Gideon’s favorite part of the Bible is the Old Testament - with all the smiting and God whupping butt, and such. No sir, none of this New Testament “turn the other check” lamer stuff for Mr. Gideon; he gets off on the oppressive side of God’s word.

Actually, I’d bet $5 that “Gideon” is one of the forum members having a bit of fun.

Quote (John @ July 06 2005,16:58)
Actually, I’d bet $5 that “Gideon” is one of the forum members having a bit of fun.

Most likely. It is really funny, in my opinion.

Quote (Gideon @ July 05 2005,22:07)
Do not flirt with Satan gtr4him. One small compromise is all it takes for eternal damnation.
Jermeyesdemo you too take The Lord too lightly. You dont have to pray to hear his Word you just have to listen. He speaks to us all the time. Just like Satan does. And only your total acceptance of HIm can let you know which is which. Sometimes its hard but a righteous man can cast Satan behind him and rejoice in the Word of The Lord.
And there is no love between Men and Women only foul lust.
The Lord created woman as a companion but she became a vessel of Satan. Even our Lord although he was born of a virgin was corrupted. When he cried out Father why have you forsaken me that was because of the corruption of a woman. Love is only for the LOrd God and that is a painful Love. Women are creatures of Satan and need to be cleansed. They tempt us and try to lead us to ####. But THe Lord and those who obey Him will Chase the DEmons out and send them back to eternal #### and eternal Damnation.
Septictank and Wilhan and Scantee you are sinners who will burn in Hellfire and The Lord have mercy on your SOuls.

And there is no love between Men and Women only foul lust.

A statement like this leads one to beleive you had no loving mother, or you somehow had a sexual relationship with her, for that I pitty you.
I pray God will give you the strenth to overcome YOUR sexual demon, and give you the compasion of Christ for all mankind. And then you will be able to look at a woman for the beautiful creation that she is, not the evil purpose the devil gives her in your eyes.
hey tempt us and try to lead us to ####. But THe Lord and those who obey Him will Chase the DEmons out and send them back to eternal #### and eternal Damnation.

I don’t know what these blotted out words are…but typically in forums they are curse words. In that case I will say nothing, but let Jesus’s own words in the scripture correct you.

Matthew 5:34-38
34 But I say unto you, Swear not all: neither by heaven; for it is Gods thrown.
35 Nor by the earth; for it his His footstool; neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King.
36 neither shall thy swear by thy head, because thow canst make one hair white or black.
37 But let your communication be Yea, yea or Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.

Jermeyesdemo you too take The Lord too lightly. You dont have to pray to hear his Word you just have to listen.

Again I have to disagree. As does Jesus in this scripture.
Matthew 6:9-13
If you pray that prayer more often, you won’t have these feelings towards women.
Prayer is an important part of being closer to God, and allowing the Holy spirit to fill you and guide you. Anyone that says, or beleives otherwise is mistaken. Prayer humbles you before God, and keeps you from being self-rightoues and lead you to true righteousness.
Matthew 6: (Jesus’s words again)
6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thow hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret will reward you openly.

Those are the words of Jesus our Lord, take heed bro, lest yee be deceived.

You bring shame to the Christian name, Gideon.
But THe Lord and those who obey Him will Chase the DEmons out and send them back to eternal #### and eternal Damnation.

Those who obey Him will not chase anything out. Only Jesus can do that. If you somehow feel you have any power over demons you are mistaken again. All power comes from God, not for your own boastfullness, but for His glory. You can cast demons out by faith, in His name, not by any power of your own.
If you were in my area, I would invite you to Bible study this Friday. There you would have an opportunity to learn and grow in your knowlege of the Bible amongst fellow Christians in fellowship. Instead of at home by yourself where you can easily be influenced by your own agendas.
Wherever two or more are gathered in His name, the Holy spirit is there. And Yes, we pray before , after, and during study.
I’m in Bethlehem Pennsylvania and you can Pm me for my phone number.
I doupt you will return to read this though, because most people when faced with the truth, of the Bible be ye, wannabe, Christian or heathen…will cowardly run away.
So I will say a silent prayer for you, as the scripture suggest.
May the Lord mature you in your thinking, so you may grow and understand the meaning of compasion Christ taught for sinners.

Take care, :cool:


Quote (Sceptic Tank @ July 06 2005,16:19)
Personally, I quite like Gideon, and am awaiting his next post with baited breath! :D


Hey Ali,
When you get to your place in Hellfire. Will you save me a place? Would have liked to have gone to Heaven but don’t want to end up next to this Nut :D
Having said that. The way he distorts Christianity for his own demented ramblings, he might not be roosting with the Angels anyway :D Hmmmm! The agonies of choice!

Seriously. If you believe there is a God, he’s in your heart. Everyone knows exactly, when they take any action or make any decision, whether it’s right or wrong. If you can ally your conscience with your actions in this life, you’re probably going to be alright. Take care guys and may your God go with you!

Bruffie (sometimes Saint, sometimes Sinner. Hope the scales go my way at judgement time)