Judgement Day

Quote (Gideon @ July 05 2005,22:07)
Jermeyesdemo you too take The Lord too lightly.

Scandalous accusation! You obviously have no understanding of, or respect for Jerms deep seated Christianity

Women are creatures of Satan and need to be cleansed.

Apologies to all female members of this forum who read this crap!!

Septictank and Wilhan and Scantee you are sinners who will burn in Hellfire and The Lord have mercy on your SOuls.

See you there guys!!
Quote (Gideon @ July 06 2005,01:10)
Can you open your heart to Him and say that you have obeyed Him in every Way?

I don't know why I bother...but hey even trolls deserve a chance at salvation. :D

In answer to your question. Yes I can...at times, when I can't He corrects me.

I would like to take a lesson from Jesus on your problem with women. Instead of answering your questions, lets get to the root of your problem.

I suspect you are recently divorced, or in the process.
Your wife has sucome to Satan and the pleasures of the flesh, or the love of money...and has left you for another man.
Your hurt, that's undertandable. But holding hatred in your heart for all women is not heathy for you bro, either physically or spiritually.....hatred>stress> the silent killer.
You must forgive her, and show her the compassion Christ has shown you for your own sins. Only then can the healing process begin, only then will the jealousy and hatred end. Put away your Pride, and follow Christ example. Then the Lord may be able to use you, to speak to her, and save her from her sin. But He can't do that if you hold this hate in your heart.
You too have comitted adultry! By your own admition of affliction.
Matthew 5:28 (Jesus's words)
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh at a woman and lust after her hath comitted adultry with her already in his heart.

So it seems it is you, that needs to ask for forgiveness from her as well.
Then you can make peace with God, and allow Him to fill you with Joy an Love for all woman, and man alike.

Take care Gideon...and for heavens sake read the New Testament, that is we're the New Covanent is!


Gideon, is your Mom aware that you’re off your meds again?

You fools. You all pretend to be so clever but your cleveness blinds you to the truth. Read THE HOLY BOOK and understand. After THE CHRIST arose he visited #### so that the TORTURED SOULS could hear his message too. Dont you undesrtand? Dont you ask why the GOSPELLS talk not of HIS life between Bethelhem and HIS FINAL DAYS?
THE GOSPELS were the story of his visit to ####. This is ####. WE are the LEGIONS OF THE DAMNED.
ARMAGEDDON is not in the future. It has happened and we are the FOUL SLIME that THE LORD has cast down into THE PIT.
All our memories of our life in the REAL WORLD which was created by THE LORD were WIPED OUT and now we exist in THE FIRST CIRLCE OF ####.
The time when faith and HIS LOVE alone could save us are behind us.
Now all we have is PAIN and PUINISHMENT. FAITH is no longer enough and there is no place in #### for love. Now we must OBEY. Now we must SUFFER.THE LORD has averted HIS FACE from us.
Now we are the slaves of SATAN and we can only OBEY. And we must follow the PATH OF THE CHRIST deep down thru all the CIRCLES OF ####. And we must sink deeper and deeper into DAMNATION. And if we OBEY and if we SUFFER and if we
PRAY and if we reach the FINAL DEPTHS then our souls will be BURNED CLEAN byTHE FIRES OF #### and THE LORD will take us into HIS GLORY.

Last time you said we were going to h e l l ? And now we find out we are in it already ?

Did you join a different cult since last you spewed hate at us ?


Keep it coming tho’ - it is mildly amuzing

Quote (Gideon @ Aug. 14 2005,21:45)
You fools. You all pretend to be so clever but your cleveness blinds you to the truth. Read THE HOLY BOOK and understand. After THE CHRIST arose he visited #### so that the TORTURED SOULS could hear his message too. Dont you undesrtand? Dont you ask why the GOSPELLS talk not of HIS life between Bethelhem and HIS FINAL DAYS?
THE GOSPELS were the story of his visit to ####. This is ####. WE are the LEGIONS OF THE DAMNED.
ARMAGEDDON is not in the future. It has happened and we are the FOUL SLIME that THE LORD has cast down into THE PIT.
All our memories of our life in the REAL WORLD which was created by THE LORD were WIPED OUT and now we exist in THE FIRST CIRLCE OF ####.
The time when faith and HIS LOVE alone could save us are behind us.
Now all we have is PAIN and PUINISHMENT. FAITH is no longer enough and there is no place in #### for love. Now we must OBEY. Now we must SUFFER.THE LORD has averted HIS FACE from us.
Now we are the slaves of SATAN and we can only OBEY. And we must follow the PATH OF THE CHRIST deep down thru all the CIRCLES OF ####. And we must sink deeper and deeper into DAMNATION. And if we OBEY and if we SUFFER and if we
PRAY and if we reach the FINAL DEPTHS then our souls will be BURNED CLEAN byTHE FIRES OF #### and THE LORD will take us into HIS GLORY.

The Lord, Jesus says do nat answer a fool according to his folly.

According to you, Jesus died for nothing, and we are all still damned, unless we suffer.
He came so that we may have life, and have it more abundantly.
I'm sorry but you will never convince me of this false doctrine you preach.


And give it to God bro!


Hey, I am in Canada. It ain’t me having fun here… Two days away from the board and it all goes to pot… :)

BTW, I was watching a Thai martial arts film last night… All I have to say is that Buddha kicks way more ass than Jesus… Jesus may walk on water and all, control heaven and Earth, etc… But Buddha can kick you in the center of your forehead. :D Ohm-Bak… it is an interesting movie to say the least…

Wihan, Jerm; don’t worry about it guys; we atheists, or at least my particular denomination of them - Lex Luthorian Slap-heads (Very Methodical and fairly Reformed) - have our fair share of nuts too! :D

It’s an interesting concept though; that we are indeed in H ell already, and it would explain many things; Cell-phones, the wrapping and security seals on DVD’s, Big Macs and fries, Creative ™ drivers, etc.

ID certainly can’t account for them, but MD (Malicious Design) certainly could!


All I have to say is that Buddha kicks way more ass than Jesus

You wanna keep an eye on those wee Carmalite nuns though Bubba. After a night on the gin and tonic, they can kick a Presbyterian so hard that his “Articles of Separation” become something very meaningful and very, very personal; and you really don’t want to know what they can do with a crucifix and two gallons of ice-cold holy water. :(



Painted Jezebels and young filth ridden Harlots.

Women are creatures of Satan and need to be cleansed. They tempt us and try to lead us to ####. But THe Lord and those who obey Him will Chase the DEmons out and send them back to eternal #### and eternal Damnation.

Isn’t this the kind of stuff you get from serial stalkers who murder women? Personally, this’d be enough for me to ban our friend Gideon from the forum.

Gideon, I invite you to a discussion of the ethics of Jesus. Let’s start with the Sermon on the Mount, what do you say?


Sermon on the Mount? Was that the thing with; “Blessed is the Greek, Blessed are the Cheese-makers”, etc? ???

Serial stalker? Like Cornflakes you mean? ???

(Sorry, it works better spoken). :(

Tom, I doubt whether Gideon could hold a sensible discussion. There again, I still share John and Tony’s suggestion that it may be someone we know who is just pulling our plonkers!


Quote (Sceptic Tank @ Aug. 15 2005,16:40)
just pulling our plonkers!


Is that Scots for Jerkin' the gurkin? :D

Gideon, (whomever, WHATever he/she/it is) is very misguided. I would not expect a "take" on your offer Tom...


Well, I can certainly understand this, Gideon is in his own h-ell, one of self loathing.
As far as his last post, it’s hard to make out what it really says when every other word is a ## followed by another ##. Even taking all the 4 letter words I know and substituting them into his pharapragh doesn’t lead it to make any sence. :laugh:
Shurly there must be other words one could use to say the same thing, so that we all may be enlightened to his vast knowledge of scripture, and wisdom of the ages! :p
As for me, I will take my cue from him and read the GOOD BOOK, since it has no such words and has nothing sensored hence making it alot easier to follow. :cool:
It is entertaining to say the least, but I fail to see any actual merit to the direction or content of his many hateful ramblings.
Listen Gideon, as I have told you before, you need to get into a group of some kind…ANY KIND!..wherever two or more are gathered in His name He is there. All this home schooling is not helping you. There is strenth in unity, and if you find a BIble study or something the devil won’t be able to deceive you with all these silly notions of H-ell on earth. Jesus defeated the Devil… and according to Paul, his appostle we are to usher in His kingdom on earth, by spreading His message of Love and Forgiveness…DID YOU MISS THAT CHAPTER OR WHAT!
In fact it seems you have missed most of the New testament entirely…with the exeption of Revelations, which you have totally scewed, to fit your hateful outlook on the world, and it’s many down trotten.:frowning:

I will continue to pray for your poor misguided soul.
Try this in your next post. (Jesus speaks to you)

"Love thy neighbor"

We are your neighbors in this cyber-neighbrohood, so try and show a little more Love, since Jesus commands it of you!:O

God bless, and keep shinin’


Quote (Gideon @ Aug. 14 2005,21:45)
ARMAGEDDON is not in the future. It has happened and we are the FOUL SLIME that THE LORD has cast down into THE PIT.

Enter the Matrix.

The first five books of the bible are all fairy tales told by moses to control the jews. As for the rest, well...

Red pill, blue pill, hmm?

Well, we’ve now got; Dot, Gideon, and Triple Question Mark.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I now declare the Troll Season officially open! :D

Cease fire, cease fire, Ali, you can learn alot from a troll!

I have a question for the little trolligans.

Does this make Gideon the, “Oricle”? as mention in the movie? :laugh:

The question is Jerm, are they all the same person? ???

Or do we have an actual troll infestation? ???

As for the “Auricle”, ain’t that the part of the ear responsible for filtering out Country and Western music? :D


Quote (Guest @ Aug. 15 2005,18:07)
The first five books of the bible are all fairy tales told by moses to control the jews.

Man did that plan backfire! lol

Intead of them being controlled they denied their own savior!
Even after 1500 years of prophecy, which all came true…
Most of them still not beleiving in their own messiah to this day!
DANG YOU MOSES! IT"S ALL YOUR FAULT! If only ? ? ? was there do debunk the whole thing this all could have been avoided! :cool:

And all this time it was you! ? ? ? who had the real answer’s you kill me!




The first five books of the bible are all fairy tales told by moses to control the jews.

Wouldn’t it have been easier just to use a stick with a piece of string attached and tie a bagel with lox and cream cheese on the end? ???

Anyway, in the Reformed Free Kirk, the fifth book is the Book of Angus, which is concerned with Angus’s trials and tribulations between Satan (in the form of a bottle of Glenmorangie) and the Angel Gabriel (in the form of a defective cork-screw).

What’s that got to do with Moses and suchlike people of the Hebrew persuasion? ???

But I agree, ? ? ?, (ok if I call you “?” for short?), Gideon’s rant does sound a wee bitty like The Matrix.

I could’ve done with a wee bit more of the “partially unzipped black body-suit showing more than a hint of bosom” though. :(

And wasn’t Keanu Reeves also in The Little Buddha, which sort of ties in with Bubba’s post?

Hmmm, it’s all starting to come together…

Yet another Fasoft conspiracy thingy! ???



Intead of them being controlled they denied their own savior!
Even after 1500 years of prophecy, which all came true…
Most of them still not beleiving in their own messiah to this day!

Jeremy, don’t say this sort of stuff, OK? Jesus is no Jew’s messiah. Christians who have held this have also done silly things like kill lots of Jews, and it’s not an accidental link.

well the five books being fairy tales, that is open to interpretation. Since the psyco seemed to quote the old school bible, it seemed appropriate to go after him head on. Dude really needs to wake up. His ways are old school. The new god doesn’t kill people using fire and brimstone. He forgives and only sends the infidels to ####.