Judgement Day


Jeremy, don’t say this sort of stuff, OK? Jesus is no Jew’s messiah. Christians who have held this have also done silly things like kill lots of Jews, and it’s not an accidental link.

Very true Tom, but, don’t let trolls (nor Jerms) wind you up, life’s too short. :)

Remember, every time you laugh, a troll dies, and more importantly, every time you fart, a fairy dies. (Which is as good a reason for eating cabbage as anything).

This one is for you Tinkerbell! :D

First of all, “? for short”, don’t be so damm literal! :D

Secondly, can everyone please stop using the word ####; I assumed it stood for Ohio, but now I see that it isn’t, so I’m confused. :(


As you can tell by my name, I’m a member of the Partridge family. Therefore, #### ### ## ### ########, and that goes for your dog, too. Actually, I just wanted Shirly Jones but she didn’t want me back. Something about incest. The rest of my life has been spent moping around spouting #### ### ##### #### to folks that have no life…such as Dorothy, guidiup and my third cussin and brother ? ? ? and his shorter sister and my mother ? . Keep it in the family I say.

Quote (Sceptic Tank @ Aug. 15 2005,19:16)
First of all, "? for short", don't be so damm literal!

Did you mean liberal?

And oh, it seems the literal police have joined the party.

welcome. welcome all. :;):

You are all queers.

You can’t help it. You were born that way.

Quote (TomS @ Aug. 15 2005,19:05)
Intead of them being controlled they denied their own savior!
Even after 1500 years of prophecy, which all came true.....
Most of them still not beleiving in their own messiah to this day!

Jeremy, don't say this sort of stuff, OK? Jesus is no Jew's messiah. Christians who have held this have also done silly things like kill lots of Jews, and it's not an accidental link.
Well, I certainly have and would not kill anyone for not beleiving in Jesus. And anyone who would do such a thing is more twisted than Gideon on Bible interpretation.
All a Jew would have to do is read Psalms 22, which is in their own language somewhere...on a scroll.
It describes the crucification of Jesus from begining to end, aprox. 1500 years before it happened, written by their own King, David.
It is not for the all Jews to beleive anyhow. He walked amongst them, healing the sick, raising the dead, and preforming many more miracles that weren't even written, still some didn't beleive.
His word is the bone of the Old Testament, it has not nor ever will be broken. His body is the flesh of the New Testament, together it is the body of life, AKA the Book of Life.

Don't the Jews find it odd, that the Lord would speak to them for 1000's of years, starting with Moses then ending with the Book of Malachi? Only to not speak a word for some 2300 years now?
That alone would tell me somethin' just ain't right! Man that's one long stint.... :p

Really all the doupters are only fooling themselves. For when the King of King and Lord of Lords returns to claim His kingdom, all knees will bow, including yours kind sir, then you will beleive. I pray you will not wait until then to find truth in the Lords word.

keep shinin'


Quote (TomS @ Aug. 15 2005,19:05)
Intead of them being controlled they denied their own savior!
Even after 1500 years of prophecy, which all came true.....
Most of them still not beleiving in their own messiah to this day!

Jeremy, don't say this sort of stuff, OK? Jesus is no Jew's messiah. Christians who have held this have also done silly things like kill lots of Jews, and it's not an accidental link.
Please Tom - you HAVE to tell me why you say that ?

(and not the part about (so called) Christians killing people in the name of Jesus, I'm talking about the part about Jesus not being the saviour of the Jews)

You can pm or e-mail me if you like as well. This thread (like mr Gideon pointed out so rightly) has obviously gone to h e l l ...

Regards !


Morning all. :) (crack me a can of Lion or Castle Wihan :D)

Sorry, I’m sort of with Tom on this one. (Ignore my last post to you Tom, go ahead! LOL).

Jerm, I sorta feel the same way about those who claim to have “THE TRUTH” as I do about those sportsmen who claim that God gave them the victory.

And my question remains…

What makes you so damm special? :)


EDIT: And I’m sorry you think this thread has gone to “OHIO” Wihan, I was just starting to enjoy it! (Well, until !?! started to get stupid and boring that is; but it’s nice to see your refreshingly sensible input. :))

Quote (Sceptic Tank @ Aug. 16 2005,05:00)
Morning all. :) (crack me a can of Lion or Castle Wihan :D)

Sorry, I'm sort of with Tom on this one. (Ignore my last post to you Tom, go ahead! LOL).

Jerm, I sorta feel the same way about those who claim to have "THE TRUTH" as I do about those sportsmen who claim that God gave them the victory.

And my question remains........

What makes you so damm special? :)


EDIT: And I'm sorry you think this thread has gone to "OHIO" Wihan, I was just starting to enjoy it! (Well, until !?! started to get stupid and boring that is; but it's nice to see your refreshingly sensible input. :))

Ali, I think a Lion is more 'African like' - so here's one ...
(Do you have Castle/lion over there ?)

The comment about Ohio was partially about ? ? ? and partially on Gideon sending us (and the thread) there ...

Ok - Here's what I think we've established:

1: I know you're serious/sincere about the way you feel/believe
2: You know I'm serious/sincere about the way I feel/believe
3: Both of us is willing to (happily) accept (and respect) the fact that the other one is serious/sincere about the way he feels/believe
4: Both of us are interested in hearing the other's point of view, as that makes us understand (and like) each other better.
5: Both of us isn't trying to shove his opinion down the other's gullet.

Having said that :

Why do you say what you do ?
I believe (from the Bible) that Jesus came to be the messiah that the jews where waiting for for a millenium or two. He arrived, saying that He was excactly that (as the prophet's have said), and then when they figured out He wasn't going to be a physical king that led the armies to free them from the Romans (and I do think these romans where crazy :D ), they turned on Him and had Him crucified.
My qestion (as above) is then - why do you say that Jesus wasn't the messiah for the Jews ?


Jermey knows I think he’s a cool dude, but it troubles me when people don’t realize that the same text can be read different ways through different eyes. Christians usually know very little about Judaism, and as a result read things like Psalm 22 through very different lenses. The result historically was all that crap about the jews killing Jesus, the doctrine of supersession, and the negative witness theory. The logical result of all of that was Hitler. When it comes to things like this, I am fully convinced that tolerance is no longer enough, that what is needed is mutual understanding. That would require Jeremy and Wihan and anyone else who doesn’t understand it to take a comparative religions course and study Judaism from a non-Christian point of view. It is one thing to point out that from within a Jewish paradigm Psalm 22 is about the sense of abandonment Jews felt during the period - and is still read by many as descriptive of what has happened in subsequent centuries (that is, it needs to be understood in the “exile and return” framework) - it’s another to actually look in depth enough to get a sense of the coherence and beauty and power of the text in Jewish eyes. It says nothing, however, about Jesus, from that perspective.

One can be guilty of anti-Semitism by negligence, not just intention.


One can be guilty of anti-Semitism by negligence, not just intention.

Tom, I’m not anti Semitic, I’m just pro-Jesus…

I don’t believe that the Jews killed Jesus - I believe He had to be killed for not only His people at the time (the Hebrews), but also for me.

The fact that people misunderstood things, and did a lot of evil in the name of their misunderstanding of the bible, does not mean that I share the same sentiment.

What I am saying is that the old testament made a couple of prophecies that was fullfilled (according to the new testament).
The issue here isn’t if i believe the jews killed Jesus or not (and again, I believe we all did), or even if the bible is true or not. I do believe that the bible (and the new testament) is true. Therefore, what I am saying is that if you compare the old testament’s prophecies with the writings in the new testament, they have been fullfilled by Jesus, and the jews failed to realise that the messiah they were looking for (according to their own scriptures) was right there in their midst.

So I’m not blaming anyone for killing Jesus, and I am certainly condemning the acts of those nuts who justify their own evil from scripture, and i’m also not being anti semitic. What I do say (and this purely by reading the Bible) is that Jesus was the fullfillment of the prophecies, and the Hebrew nation didn’t realise that.

So I think you shouldn’t put me in the same camp as those that did awefull things against Jews ‘because they killed Jesus’ just because i say that Jesus came to be the messiah they were waiting for. There is a difference.

I lifted the following from a website on the net about this :

God sees the end from the beginning, He sometimes reveals things which are to happen in the future, through prophecies. Some of the most amazing Bible prophecies are about Jesus; remember, for example, Isaiah 53, to which we have referred several times. These prophecies show that Jesus is truly the Messiah because He fulfilled them.

Long before Jesus was born, the Jewish people realised that there were many prophecies in the Scriptures about the Messiah. When Jesus arrived, He said to them, “You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about Me.” [1]

If you read the Gospel of Matthew, you will find at least twenty-one references to fulfilled prophecies! The whole of the New Testament clearly shows that it was Jesus who fulfilled these Old Testament prophecies. Let us examine just a few of them and their fulfilment.

Jesus to be born of a virgin

Hundreds of years before Christ, God spoke through the prophet Isaiah. “The Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call Him Immanuel.”[2] We see the fulfilment of this prophecy when Mary was visited by an angel who told her she would bear a son. All this took place to fulfil what God had promised.[3]

Jesus to be born in Bethlehem

Through the prophet Micah, God foretold that Jesus was to be born in Bethlehem. [4] This prophecy was well-known even to King Herod and His advisors. The New Testament tells us that Jesus was indeed born in Bethlehem in Judea. [5]

Jesus to perform miracles

Again, God said through the prophet Isaiah, “… your God will come … Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy.”[6] The Gospel according to Matthew confirms this prophecy in these words: “Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.” [7]

Jesus to be crucified

The crucifixion of Jesus was not an accident or simply a ghastly mistake. It was Jesus himself who laid down His life. Why? Because God wanted to bring mankind to Himself. It was prophesied that Jesus, “poured out His life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.”[8] When Jesus was crucified, the Romans crucified two robbers with Him, one on His right and one on His left. [9]

Jesus’ side to be pierced

"They will look on Me, the one they have pierced."[10] These words were fulfilled in Jesus when one of the soldiers pierced His side.[11]

1 John 5:39
2 Isaiah 7:14
3 Matthew 1:18,22-23
4 Micah 5:2
5 Matthew 2:1; Luke 2:4-7; John 7:42
6 Isaiah 35:4-6
7 Matthew 9:35; cf. Matthew 11:4-6
8 Isaiah 53:12
9 Matthew 27:38
10 Zechariah 12:10
11 John 19:34


But Buddha can kick you in the center of your forehead. :D Ohm-Bak… it is an interesting movie to say the least…

Knives for sale! Knives for sale!.

If you get the chance Bubba, go see Kung Fu Hustle, and witness the true power of the hand of Buddha. :p

Wihan, is your quote there from this source?


Try this: study the stuff in the Tenak (which is not exactly the same as the OT) from a Jewish perspective. The bit you’ve quoted is Christian theology from the “Word of Life” Bible course, an evangelistic Christian organization.

In the end, if anyone is really interested in “truth” in the Bible, or in the Tenak, and if they think that truth requires a dispassionate assessment of all of the evidence, they will look at all of the historical evidence bearing on it, not just the self-proving texts of a collection designed to be self-proving. Do this and statements like “the jews failed to realise that the messiah they were looking for (according to their own scriptures) was right there in their midst” will be seen as a bit of Chrisitian theology, based as you say on a reading of the Bible, and I’d say on an intolerant, theologically-driven reading of the Christian Bible not tenable as history.

I understand that your starting point is the truth of the Bible, but even if you don’t want to look at all of the relevant evidence, at least it would be worth looking at what some Jews say about the whole thing, before saying that they missed their messiah Jesus.

I cannot fathom the claim that “we all killed Jesus,” that’s not even in the NT. He was executed by Romans. So even if you have adjusted your theology to avoid the anti-semitism of the claim that “the Jews” (which ones, exactly? The Zealots? Pharasees? Essenes? The followers of Jesus? Christians usually have a mistaken picture of Judaism at the time), you still claim something that sounds to me like it is supersessionist. In any case, it shows ignorance of Judaism.

Go ahead, take a course on Judaism (but make sure that it is secular).

Quote (TomS @ Aug. 16 2005,11:54)
In the end, if anyone is really interested in "truth" in the Bible, or in the Tenak, and if they think that truth requires a dispassionate assessment of all of the evidence, they will look at all of the historical evidence bearing on it, not just the self-proving texts of a collection designed to be self-proving. Do this and statements like "the jews failed to realise that the messiah they were looking for (according to their own scriptures) was right there in their midst" will be seen as a bit of Chrisitian theology, based as you say on a reading of the Bible, and I'd say on an intolerant, theologically-driven reading of the Christian Bible not tenable as history.

Hey Tom,

I would like to say that the only truth on earth is the Word of God.
Be it in The Bible, Koran, or the Tenak.
All thuths never contradict, but rather concure.
I am more than willing to read all translations of His word, and I thank Ali for posting a very good link on the Koran earlier this year for me...wann talk about anti-semitic! sheesh!
I happen to beleive in Christ, the one who was born flesh, and died sinless. Not a Christ who others are still waiting for. But that is based on my own experiences in life, not by reading it or being taught in Church. He has proven He is real to me, and no amount of doctrine or interpretaion is going to change that.
All I read, be it in any translation only confirmes what I already know in my heart, again from Him showing Himself to be real, not by my own search for knowlege.
I have seen people be healed in the name of Jesus, speak in Hebrew tounge(with no prior knowlege of the language), and The Lord manifest Himself in people live's changing them for the good.
It's inconceivable for me to think all these things can happen without His presence, therefore I beleive.
What would it take for you? Do you need to see a miracle? Water to wine? Or must you find faith in reading, and trying to prove and disprove?
Is truth a comparison of history's accounts to you, how they are simular and how they defer, the simularities being the only truths? Or is it simply the Word of God? I will go with the latter.
His word has never been broken, or disproved, never will.

BTW Ali,
Those who give praise to God for acheivments don't feel they are so special.
In fact I would say, those who don't give the glory to the Almighty, but rather hoard it for their own boastfulness, would be the ones who think they are somehow special.

kepp shinin' guys


Well, those three religions don’t agree as to the nature of Jesus. Only one says that he was divine.

Nope, gotta go take a class on this stuff. Should be required, IMHO, of all high school students…

A wise man once said these words to me…also owner of a local 7-11.

"Some things can just not be known."

jerm :D

Perhaps, although I’d like to see a proof (or at least evidence) that there is some particular thing that cannot be known.

Certainly when it comes to theology we can know what people have generally held in the various religions. When it comes to the histories behind certain texts, we have the problems that historians usually have in figuring out what is going on, but that doesn’t seem to be the kind of limitation that should cause us to throw up our hands and say “nope, can’t know anything about that.”

Perhaps the fellow was not wise, but wanted to appear wise. ???

Like why there is 10 hot dogs to a pack, and twelve buns in a bag?

This was his answer to that question! :;):

keep shinin’

jerm :cool:

Well, there you do have a mystery, the answer to which we probably should not seek. :)

Quote (Guest @ Aug. 16 2005,15:23)
Like why there is 10 hot dogs to a pack, and twelve buns in a bag?

It's a right-wing conspiracy! They figure the American public will figure it out. Rather than have left-over buns, they WANT you to buy bulk quantities so the ratio of weenie to bun is even. If every American would just DO this simple thing, the deficit would be erased and peace and prosperity would be ours. So DO YOUR PART!!


This message is brought to you by The Stick Your Weenie in a Bun Foundation. (But only in even ratios) The GOP, Radioshack, your local 7-11 store and Waldo the talking dwarf mule over at old man Mulhollands farm. Remember, stick your weinies in them buns (But only in even ratios) and save our country!!

Thank you for your attention. Have a great day!