mandolin for 39 US dollars?!?

No, I am a prevaricator. I noticed that it is in the new catalog, however, and I have finally resolved to buy it. Tonight. Maybe. No, really. Yes. :)

Quote (TomS @ June 22 2005,20:03)
No, I am a prevaricator. I noticed that it is in the new catalog, however, and I have finally resolved to buy it. Tonight. Maybe. No, really. Yes. :)

Procrastinator perhaps?

Or do you really walk the crooked path of the liar? :)

Ali (mobile version)

Don’t know about a Mando, but I just bought a Brand new acoustic guitar at my local store in Dubai for $4.89. You can tune it, get a few chords out of it and at worst it will look nice on the wall with a light bulb inside it :)

Hey mobile Ali! No, I am just practicing my Shakespeare - I want to be one of those characters who always mixes up words - like Launcelot Gobbo in Merchant.

“Prevaricator” might still work - prevaricate has as a synonym “equivocate” which has as a subsidiary meaning to avoid committing oneself to what one says. Closely akin to the morally rather more negative meaning you caught, but not quite as bad, I hope. :)

You guys and yer fifty-cent, college boy werdz… :p :p


PS Hi Mobile Ali-dude! So, you a Ramblin’ man these days?


Hey mobile Ali! No, I am just practicing my Shakespeare - I want to be one of those characters who always mixes up words - like Launcelot Gobbo in Merchant.

“Prevaricator” might still work - prevaricate has as a synonym “equivocate” which has as a subsidiary meaning to avoid committing oneself to what one says. Closely akin to the morally rather more negative meaning you caught, but not quite as bad, I hope.

Bollox Tom! :p


Yeah, almost a travelling man now TG.

I’m not where I was; and where I am will soon be where I ain’t. ???

Well, I am unreliable, as my family and friends will tell you, I almost bought the mandolin, but instead saw the Rogue copies of the Hofner basses for 230 US. Bought one. Guess what. It does not suck. It’s actually pretty cool sounding, plays well and records pretty evenly across the strings. :) It ain’t a hofner, but is a totally usable student bass.