Pops while recording

Mulitrack like recording produced pops

Celeron 2.4Ghz, 500MB, 74GB raptor (boot and recording drive), ATI graphics card (drivers are up to date).

Recording gear:
M-Audio 1010LT, Behringer UB244FX - Pro, 10 channel 1/4" - RCA snake

I recorded a group 8 tracks with ONE take. No over dubs. I have added no Efx. However, I get a popping noise while playing the track back.

Now, before you answer me you need to know this. I have listened each track outside of n-track and the popping sound still occurs - even when a single track played back. NOTE: I used both WMP and Audacity to listen to the individual wav files.

Another interesting thing to note is that when the pop does occur it’s on multiple tracks but NOT all of them. And it’s not consistant either. For instance, the first popping starts at 15 sec (there’s 3 quick pops) and tracks 1,2,3,4,(6,7 (both of these are a stereo keyboard)) are affected. However at 47sec 2,3,4,5,(6,7) and a pop that happens at 1:20 is only tracks 1, 8.

I have a snippet of the sound for each of these at this link:

In every case the audio is not clipping.

Bill D.


In every case the audio is not clipping.

Then you’re probably going to have to look at the buffer settings. Increase the number and/or the size of the recording buffers and see what happens.


Thanks, I’ll give that a try.

Is there a filter that I can apply to take out the clicks?

I’ve tried editing them out…but I’ve had no luck.

Sonic Foundry’s Noise and Click removal can do a bit with it, as can their vinyl restoration (part of the same plugin) but if it’s dropped samples I find it doesn’t work that well (found out the hard way).

Suck it and see.


I’m having this problem also. Even when I’m just doing playback of of a known ‘good’ wav file. Is this the buffer?

Also, I get that error that I’m using two output sound cards… Has anyone else seen that? I have a Delta 1010 and the PC I’m using has a built in speaker but no sound comes out of it during playback, it only comes out of the 1010.

This is a the first time I’ve used the 1010. :(


Ok, I started a similar thread about popping during recording about a month ago. I’ve noticed a similarity. I also have had this occur mainly while multi track recording with my m-audio delta 1010lt. Could it be something with the sound card?
Anyone else having this trouble with a delta 1010? How about with a non m-audio card?

Has anyone been able to get a Delta 1010 to work with N-Track?

It’s driving me crazy. I’ve tried everything, buffers, 16 bit, 24 bit, input levels, settings. SAME PROBLEM!

I love the way N-Track looks and feels but I’m about to ask for a refund. I have NO PROBLEMS with other multitrack software. The 1010 has been around for a long time so I’m surprised I’m having these kinds of compatibility problems. :(

I’m pretty sure quite a few people are using the Delta 1010 with N.
I don’t myself so haven’t paid too much attention when it gets mentioned…

You might get more advice from Delta 1010 users if you put the soundcard in the subject of the post…


I got rid of irregular pops an clicks after turning off the real time virus scan while recording.


I got rid of irregular pops an clicks after turning off the real time virus scan while recording.

Before you use your PC for recording, close down ALL applications and background tasks (everything except explorer and systray on W98 systems). An application called ‘End It All’ is good for this.
Better still, have a seperate PC just for your DAW applications. Don’t let anyone load anything else on it, and don’t let it anywhere near the internet.
Its the only way to go.

What I did to fix it is change the way windows handles things.
1) Right click My computer
2) Properties
3) Advanced
4) Preformance Settings
5) Advanced
6) Change Processor scheduling to Background
7) Change Memory usage to System Cache.

Can leave my virus scanner on and everything else with no more pops and clicks.

Quote (varakeef @ Aug. 17 2005,05:45)
I got rid of irregular pops an clicks after turning off the real time virus scan while recording.

My machine is offline as it's only for recording. I don't have anything at all running in the background. :(
Quote (T1ny @ Aug. 17 2005,12:22)
What I did to fix it is change the way windows handles things.
1) Right click My computer
2) Properties
3) Advanced
4) Preformance Settings
5) Advanced
6) Change Processor scheduling to Background
7) Change Memory usage to System Cache.

Can leave my virus scanner on and everything else with no more pops and clicks.

I'm running 2000 and I don't think it has this option.

I'll try it but I don't think it will work. It's really frustrating that I have to go through all these different things to get it working. Other recording apps don't seem to have the issue :(

I have a Delta 1010 (not LT) running with n-track and I virtually never get pops or clicks. I’m running an Athlon 2200 with a gig of memory. I upgraded from version 3.3 to 4.0.5 build 1846 and haven’t heard any clicks in the new version either.

I record at 16 bits, 44.1 khz. So far the advise in this thread is what i would recommend.

I will say that when I started out I built my computer based on the recommendations from several forums. I went with an ASUS A7N8X Deluxe mobo, an Athlon processor and an nVidea graphics card. The mobo has the nVidia n-force chipset which has proven to work well for recording. There could be something about your chipset that just doesn’t do audio very well. I wish I could be of more help.

Quote (8th_note @ Aug. 17 2005,15:59)
I have a Delta 1010 (not LT) running with n-track and I virtually never get pops or clicks. I’m running an Athlon 2200 with a gig of memory. I upgraded from version 3.3 to 4.0.5 build 1846 and haven’t heard any clicks in the new version either.

I record at 16 bits, 44.1 khz. So far the advise in this thread is what i would recommend.

I will say that when I started out I built my computer based on the recommendations from several forums. I went with an ASUS A7N8X Deluxe mobo, an Athlon processor and an nVidea graphics card. The mobo has the nVidia n-force chipset which has proven to work well for recording. There could be something about your chipset that just doesn’t do audio very well. I wish I could be of more help.

Thanks. I have the regular 1010 also. Glad to know it’s working for someone. That gives me some hope but I’ve tried literally everything and am at wits end. I have a Xeon 1.7 GHz processor that works well with everything else, including other mutitrack software.
I’ve tried 16 bit also, no luck. If I stumble upon the fix I’ll post it here.

I also use Delta1010LT cards. I had one working for a long time but when I added a second. Kaboom!
I have recently started having major problems when I tried to add a second Delta1010LT. I also upgraded from N-track 2.2(16bit) to N-track 4.0.5(24bit).

Config that worked.
I had been using a Delta1010LT for recording with a Guilmott Muse card for playback. N-track 2.2 16bit, Win2000, AthlonXP 2000, 256Mb ram, Innoveda AGP card, two IDE drives and two CD drives. This worked great for years. Was able to record 8 tracks at a time and playback at least 32 tracks.

I recently removed the Guilmott Muse sound card and added a 2nd Delta1010LT card so I could record 16 tracks at a time. 24 bit was useless. It just pegged the processor immediately. So I tried 16 bit. The 16 bit MME drivers only show 12 channels instead of 16. The ASIO drivers in 16 bit mode skip. The WDM drivers in 16bit mode also skip.
During this testing, both delta cards’s were sharing IRQ11 with the NIC, Video card and USB ports. Also the processor never went over 30% usage but it was still skipping a lot.

I’ve read and tried just about everything in m-audio’s database and pc-audiolabs.
I figured IRQ was the source of the problem so I changed the PC to “Standard mode” and tried to set the delta cards to their own IRQ in the BIOS. This seems to still get overwritten by windows. I’ve got one delta on IRQ5 by itself and the other sharing IRQ11 with the NIC (Video was on IRQ10). I disabled the NIC. So now they should both be on their own IRQ and it should work fine. NOPE! It’s worse! I can’t even play an MP3 without it skipping like crazy.
I updated the drivers,
Set the Processor to give priority to “background services”,
Disabled graphics acceleration,
Tried 48000khz, 44,100khz,
Verified that the SPDIF was connected the right way and was detected properly in the M-Audio control panel.
Played with the buffer settings a lot.
Verified that the first card was set to Internal sync and the second was set to S/PDIF in.
Disabled Anti Virus,
Tried different PCI slots,
Disabled USB, Com1, Com2, LPT1 - Windows still assigns the same IRQ’s to the com ports and LPT1 regardless of weather it’s disabled or purposely changed to another IRQ.

Nothing seems to help!

There’s really not much left to try other than removing the NIC altogether. I’ll try it tonight just for kicks.

I’m about to format the hard drive and reinstall the OS from scratch. (not looking forward to this)

The thing that kills me is that I was already running 2 soundcards successfully. An that’s with a cheap generic card with no SPDIF sync.

Sorry I don’t yet have an answer for the rest of you but just know that you’re not alone.

With a single delta 1010LT you should be able to get it to work by playing with the buffer settings. Just watch the processor and make sure it’s not getting spikes from other software.

Now that I have seen many other people having simular issues I’d like to propose a community effort.

I’d like to repost this issue under the heading “1010LT issue: popping while recording”.

***********I would then like to invite all 1010lt users who have issues or no issues to post. Maybe there is something we can track down. ***********

I have tried all of the different suggestions so far from this post.

So if there is somthing that is listed somewhere else please re-post it.

Bill D.

I also am having “pops” issues on my tracks.

I use - Echo Layla(20-bit) (8 inputs)


I use the PureWave setup. Any info to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.