Sometimes it isn't coincidence...

Normally, I will not relate something that has happened to a friend. I am willing to share even private stories about myself, but this story about a friend is just too good to keep quiet.

One year ago a friend of mine was burying her 20 year old son. He had been murdered just a few days before in what was a random shooting. She lives in the desert and was leaving her home the morning of the funeral with her family. Outside her home was a large white bird. The bird was not indiginous to the area and she had never seen it before. But there is was in her front yard. The bird was so unusual, that neighbors had seen it earlier and were outside photographing the large white bird as they came out to go to the funeral. The family stood and watched the bird for a few munites and then got in their car and left for the funeral. The bird followed them all the way to the funeral.

Today, one year to the date of her sons’ funeral, the same bird (or one that looked exactly like it) returned. The bird was in the front yard and allowed the family to walk right up to it and actually hold it. It did not flap or try to get away. It sat quietly as the family coddled the bird. When they were done, the bird flew up to their roof and has been there all day.

I’m sure there are those who will say that this person’s home is just on it’s flight pattern. They will say it was a coincidence that a bird that does not live in that area, landed in their front yard the exact same day two years in a row and was calm enough to allow the family to hold and caress it. I’m sure there is a scientist that can come up with enough questions to diminish the impact this event has had on the spiritual health of a family who was confused, mournful and in need.

I like to think of it as just another proof that there is a God.



Post a picture and I will idenitify the bird for you.

You know, it could be both explainable in ordinary scientific terms and have the significance you are attributing to it. The two are not mutually exclusive, although they are almost universally taken to be so by folks in the Judeo-Christian tradition. You can sort of have your cake and eat it too in this case.

A happy thought. :)

Quote (DrGuitar @ Nov. 04 2006,16:46)
I like to think of it as just another proof that there is a God.



I agree with you Dr G. And I think that He just told you and your friend that her son is with Him.


many people who NEED to see something, some identifiable meaning or pattern in something, anything, usually DO.

that is all this really proves.

Although i strongly believe in a God :) – and it is nice to see his creation, and it can certainly calm us.

But i do feel that it also can be scientifically explainable, and can also have a nice symbolism to it, even though the thought that this means anything connected to the poor woman’s son is a bit absurd.

Quote (TomS @ Nov. 04 2006,20:21)
You know, it could be both explainable in ordinary scientific terms and have the significance you are attributing to it. The two are not mutually exclusive, although they are almost universally taken to be so by folks in the Judeo-Christian tradition. You can sort of have your cake and eat it too in this case.

A happy thought. :)

Actually, I do not see this as having a possible natural scientific explaination as being anti-God. I just think that trying to explain this event in "only" scientific terms removes the real spiritual message it sends.

In addition, to not see a spiritual side to events like this shows a narrowmindedness to those who refuse to see. And in turn, reduces their life experience to a single dimension.

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

--From Hamlet (I, v, 166-167)

take care,


"In addition, to not see a spiritual side to events like this shows a narrowmindedness to those who refuse to see."

i tend to think the exact opposite – that sometimes those who are narrowminded tend to see things that arent there, to fit their specific needs at a given time, without considering the laws of nature and creation, and also, what spiritual message is this really sending?

I’ve always found science profoundly spiritual. Carl Sagan was really a Druid.


Quote (JasonBrianMerrill @ Nov. 05 2006,12:53)
"In addition, to not see a spiritual side to events like this shows a narrowmindedness to those who refuse to see."

i tend to think the exact opposite -- that sometimes those who are narrowminded tend to see things that arent there, to fit their specific needs at a given time, without considering the laws of nature and creation, and also, what spiritual message is this really sending?

Don't get me wrong Jason, if you see no spiritual message in this event, that's ok. I think people often do not see things that happen right in front of them. And again, that is ok. It is very easy to ignore events when your heart is not open to them. It is like when you walk by a beautiful, fragrant flower every day for a week and never lean over to smell it. Maybe we were in too much of a hurry to take notice, maybe we just we not interested. But maybe, we lost the chance to experience a fragrance that was truely warm and inviting; a fragrance that drew us out from our rat trap daily existance and for just a moment, took us somewhere profoundly beautiful.

You see Jason, I do not believe that God is in the negative, ugly, hateful manmade debackles. God is in the beautiful, positive, loving natural events that surround us each day.

Of course, these are my beliefs and I do not really think anyone else will relate to these beliefs, and that is ok. I just thought I would share what seemed to be a positive, uplifting, event that happened to a friend of mine...


you totally dont understand what im saying.

Quote (JasonBrianMerrill @ Nov. 05 2006,19:28)
you totally dont understand what im saying.

That may be true. Although I believe I understand exactly what you are saying. I also believe that I have failed to explain what I am saying since you obviously do not understand what I have said.

It never ceases to amaze me. 6 billion people in the world, each with their own minds and thoughts. No two are exactly the same. How is it that we have come this far? How is it that we can actually uinderstand anything another person says? Yet we seem to do pretty well at communication much of the time.

Is it really important that you understand me? No. Nothing bad will happen if you do not. No one will die from this misunderstanding.

I told of an event, that is all. I thought it was something that God might have had his/her hand in. You do not. I have no need to put God's hands into this event nor do I have anything at stake thinking God might have been involved. It just seemed like an extremely positive "coincidence" in the life of my friend. And even though a scientist could probably explain the extremely rare event happening twice on the same day 2 years in a row, it seemed like the simple explanation might also have it's merit.

If you want to think that I needed to find importance in this event, that is on you. Maybe it is you that needs to find no importance to this event. I really do not know nor do I care. My job in life has nothing to do with having you believe one thing or another.

What I do know is what I believe. And this event seemed like a sweet, uplifting, positive story that I could share with all of you. I'm sorry if you were offended Jason by the mention of God or the thought of God being present in life today. I realize everyone has their own view of God and many do not like to be reminded that other people also have their own beliefs.

Again, I am sorry for having offended you by posting this story...


" I’m sorry if you were offended Jason by the mention of God or the thought of God being present in life today"


im a very firm believer in the existance in God.:stuck_out_tongue:

In any case, thanks for sharing the story with us, Mike!

Thanks for sharing that Mike. A very significant moment for you and your friend and I’m glad that you were able to share something so personal - it gives us all some hope.

yes, hope indeed. hope that birds will show up if i lose someone important. I mean, wow.

where’s my bird? ???

Well, Jason, you know the old song:

To everything,
Tern, Tern, Tern…



so cheezy but so good.

Jason at first I thought you were being objective and encouraging Mike to allow for other possibilities and significance and not to read into things.
Words that would be of wisdom for those who believe in God.

But after that last sarcastic post, that no longer seems to be the case.

Sometimes stories like these can be a blessing to those who receive it.
I believe it to be a true account of what transpired, and what significance that has is up to the individual reading it and the heart to which it is given.

Perhaps your bird came already, but much as you are now, you did not see it. :(

There have been many studies on the therapeutic qualities of animals, and this family undoubtedly benefited from that occurrence.
That is a blessing.
The Bible says the Good Lord blesses the wicked as well as the just. But how much more will he take care of the needs of those whom follow Him?

keep shinin’

jerm :cool:

Quote (JasonBrianMerrill @ Nov. 06 2006,16:32)
yes, hope indeed. hope that birds will show up if i lose someone important. I mean, wow.

where’s my bird? ???

JBM, you were making some interesting points up till now, but now you’ve blown any credibility for sensible discussion. Unnecessary, immature, heartless comments with no point. Don’t listen Mike, your post was very moving and I don’t understand why anyone would want to attack it in this way.

ho hum…

and this is EXACTLY why religion looks so retarded.

no offense.

perhaps people should stop looking for birds and start really following what the Bible has to say.

for starters.