Sometimes it isn't coincidence...

Quote (XonXoff @ Nov. 06 2006,11:57)
Quote (JasonBrianMerrill @ Nov. 06 2006,16:32)
yes, hope indeed. hope that birds will show up if i lose someone important. I mean, wow.

where's my bird? ???

JBM, you were making some interesting points up till now, but now you've blown any credibility for sensible discussion. Unnecessary, immature, heartless comments with no point. Don't listen Mike, your post was very moving and I don't understand why anyone would want to attack it in this way.

ho hum....

Perhaps you should think a bit deeper, get out of the box, so to speak, and really THINK about what i am saying -- i have already been assumed to be someone who doesnt believe in God (mistake number one) or someone faithless (mistake number two) --

i really think the assumptions should stop (no pun intended).

and for it to be assumed i have no point is ridiculous. Of course there is a point. You just cant see it. But, this is no bird.
Quote (JasonBrianMerrill @ Nov. 06 2006,11:58)
for starters.

and this is EXACTLY why religion looks so retarded.

I don't think anyone was talking about religion. Except you.
The way religion looks has nothing to do with Mike, or this story, and more to do with the hearts of those calling themselves believers.

perhaps people should stop looking for birds and start really following what the Bible has to say.

Has this brother sinned? If so you should be so kind as to point that out. I see nothing in his post that shows he's not follwing what the Bible has to say.

Your post on the other hand are another story.

He is wise enough to forgive you brother, of that I am sure.

keep shinin'

jerm :cool:

Now would be a good time to put the shovel down and stop digging before you can no longer get out.

With Love.

keep shinin’

jerm :cool:

no problem there. Id rather be in a hole of reality than have my head in the clouds of chosen retardation.


no problem there. Id rather be in a hole of reality than have my head in the clouds of chosen retardation.

Amen to that.

“chosen retardation”, I love it! :D


If this is how you normally respond to people, I doubt you have a real shortage of people giving you the bird. Just embrace it.

Go on Jason, rile up ole Jerm some more. When you do, his halo slips and we can see the other pole of his personality. It really is fun, you can almost see him sat at the keyboard frothing at the mouth! :laugh:

Quote (dave @ Nov. 06 2006,18:11)

If this is how you normally respond to people, I doubt you have a real shortage of people giving you the bird. Just embrace it.

this is who I am. this is a discussion on an open internet forum. Opinions are, naturally, wanted then, no? Or else it wouldnt be posted. Am I to blame if my opinion differs greatly than the O.P.s??? Am I to blame if I am not "touched" by this obviously explainable event? Or should i post up the opinions of my grilled cheese virgin mary while im at it?

The way i see it, this is the reason people are drawn FROM God, when they see the suffering and evil in the world, and are expected to be pacified by a bird showing.

Give me the finger, see if I care.

I bloody hate N-track, i gave up on it months ago. I just come here to see these crazy "anything else" posts that show up.

btw, birds are an amazing creation by God, with the ability to plan flights to places they have never been before with internal clocks/compasses. It is not then all that unusual if a bird showed up at the same place at the same time.

Jason, you seem to be here not to post opinions or debate but to offend for the sake of offending. Even the most vocal of debaters around here (to name a few – Toker, ksdb, Jeff as MHR and a few trolls that pop in and out at random like idiot slapper) have a common bond with n-Tracks. As brusk as they get towards each other all of them contribute to the other parts of the forum in very constructive ways.

On the other hand, as someone that “bloody hate[s] N-track” you have contributed nothing else to the forum and have carried of your scarcazm to the “n-Track Studio Discussion Forum” in the form of comments such as “God sent those links. …its a SIGN!!! cant you see the spamitual reality?” and “as Jesus said, “you yourself said it” hehe:laugh:” when your posts as humor were called into question.

Short comment – you come across like an ignorant ass.

that’s fine, if that is your perspective.

Hi Jason,

You do not know me nor do you know my mind or heart. I have never said that God made the bird materialize in their front yard, I said that I thought the fact that the bird showed up when and where it did could easily have been guided by God. If you do not think so, that is ok. If you do not believe that God is present today in daily life, that is ok.

You say you believe in God and the bible, yet you seem to feel that unusual occurances in daily life cannot be driven by that God. Is God only on paper to you? Is God no more than a history lesson?

I see God all around me. I see God as the positive force in the universe. Yep, I even see God in you. This does not mean that I do not believe in scientific means to explain nature and God’s works. In fact, I am a true believer in science as a way to learn more about God. In this opinion, I am sure I am in the minority here. But that is ok. I believe in evolution. I believe in the Big Bang Theory. These scientific concepts do not undo my belief in God. They just explain how God has done some of his works.

If this does not fit your belief system about God, I’m sorry. I am allowed my beliefs and I am not trying to make you fit into my beliefs. I must admit that I do not understand your beliefs about God. You seem to think that God does not exist today but instead we should follow the bible to learn about God. This, to me, seems narrowminded. Many people come by their beliefs through a personal relationship with God. Many people do not need to be told what to believe to have an understanding about God. Maybe you need the bible to tell you what to believe; that is ok. Maybe you feel that everyone needs to learn about God the same way you did and should only consult the bible for their beliefs. That is ok as long as you keep those beliefs to yourself or at least to people who want to hear you tell them what to believe.

I realize now that I made a mistake in saying, “I like to think of it as just another proof that there is a God.” I realize that I may have come off as proselytizing, and that was not my intention. It was more my intention to point out a beautiful moment in a needy family’s life and about how cool the event was. It was cool the first time it happened a year ago, the second time was really over the top. And to me (and my belief that God exists today) this seemed like his/her hand could be in this.

And it is ok if you do not think so… :;):


EDIT: but by the way, i really think you dont understand what i was writing.

Well, I think Jason is cool, and I’ve been around here as long as any of you guys. And I think you all ought to sit back and calmly re-read what he has written.

Let’s get the n-track thing out of the way first.

I was using it since version 1 point something, and with 3.3 it reached its climax. But let’s be honest since then, if you’re lucky it works for you, otherwise it’s a disaster.

So, big bird.

Mike (DrGuitar) too is a cool dude. And I think that the bird meant something to him and the family of the murdered kid.

Whether or not it was a sign from God I don’t know, but it was a sign of hope for them, and that can’t be a bad thing.

And I think you know that Jason, but perhaps you could have expressed your opinion better? :)

Personally speaking, I would’ve been more impressed if the bird had appeared beforehand and stopped the murder, but that’s just me.

So back to Jeremy.

We all know he’s retarded, but he’s like a younger brother to us all, and as such, we’ll all defend him to the last.

But, please carry on riling him, it really is such fun! :laugh:

Cool story Doc. Thanks for sharing eh? I understand what you mean.

You other cats… Lay off Jerm. He’s a good guy. Good guys are in short supply these days! :p


Quote (JasonBrianMerrill @ Nov. 06 2006,20:49)
EDIT: but by the way, i really think you dont understand what i was writing.

Now you are just annoying. You act like you must have said something deep or thoughful. Let’s back this up to see if there was any real content to what you said that I might not understand.

many people who NEED to see something, some identifiable meaning or pattern in something, anything, usually DO.

that is all this really proves.

Even though this might be true (bring up the scientific statistics and we can all agree), your statement could just as easily be a load of sh1t. You are making a blanket statement that you believe and really is not provable in this instance. You are just guessing that this is the case and really know nothing except what I have written which makes you ignorant of many facts including knowing the family, where this happened, what does this family believe…etc.

But i do feel that it also can be scientifically explainable, and can also have a nice symbolism to it, even though the thought that this means anything connected to the poor woman’s son is a bit absurd.

In your eyes. Do you think it is absurd to enjoy a star filled sky and feel grateful at the wonderful life you have been given? I don’t. And I don’t think it is absurd to enjoy the rare special moments in life and give them the weight they deserve.

I said,
"In addition, to not see a spiritual side to events like this shows a narrowmindedness to those who refuse to see."

Then you said,

i tend to think the exact opposite – that sometimes those who are narrowminded tend to see things that arent there, to fit their specific needs at a given time, without considering the laws of nature and creation, and also, what spiritual message is this really sending?

Again, this may be true, but in this instance it is not. The fact is that some people are unwilling to consider anything as real that they cannot see, feel, hear, taste and touch. Yet atoms exist and there are black holes in space. And these same doubters will narrowmindedly say that they do not and that such talk is absurd. There are those who see dinosaur bones and say they are 5000 years old when science has proven that they are millions of years old. As far as what message God was sending, I cannot tell. I do know that the family found some comfort in the event and that is good enough for me. And it doesn’t really matter why the bird showed up when it did. It just matters to that family that the bird did show up at the times it did. If the bird had never shown up, the family would not have missed it. They would not have looked for another “sign from God”. They would have just gone on with their lives.

Isn’t it nice that something special happened that made them feel special?

Do I still not understand that you are trying to drive home the point that sometimes people in need will find what they are looking for in the nothing events of life? Do you still not understand that it does not matter what you think, but it only matters what that family felt about the event? And that the only real absurdity here is you trying to belittle the thoughts and feelings of people you don’t even know?

Now do you understand?



im not belittling anyone, i feel very much for the woman who lost her son… but i feel there is a more evident and real hope :)

It seems that Mike and Jason are quite happy in their little feud, so I’ll leave them to it. :)


You other cats… Lay off Jerm. He’s a good guy. Good guys are in short supply these days!

He prolly is a good guy Diogenes…


when you’ve a custard pie in your hand…

and there’s a big face grinning right in front of you…

and the devil is whispering in your ear…

What can you do? :D
Quote (Guest @ Nov. 06 2006,18:14)
Go on Jason, rile up ole Jerm some more. When you do, his halo slips and we can see the other pole of his personality. It really is fun, you can almost see him sat at the keyboard frothing at the mouth! :laugh:

At least I have the balls to post under my real name.

I'd rather froth at the mouth and let it be known it is me, than scour around namelessly like a coward.
I'm human, and never claimed otherwise, capable of the same behavior as anyone else.

keep shinin'

jerm :cool:


He’s not riling me up, far as I can tell he’s making a fool out of himself. I’m not calling him a fool, 'cause I don’t need to resort to name calling as some here do. Peoples actions define who they are well enough for me.
And unless he goes back and edits all his post anyone who reads this thead will know that. :;):

Good to hear from you again tho audiobru! :laugh:

keep shinin’

jerm :cool: