Sometimes it isn't coincidence...


At least I have the balls to post under my real name.

I’d rather froth at the mouth and let it be known it is me, than scour around namelessly like a coward.
I’m human, and never claimed otherwise, capable of the same behavior as anyone else.

See! I told you! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Quote (jeremysdemo @ Nov. 07 2006,00:36)

far as I can tell he's making a fool out of himself.

I'm not calling him a fool,


how funny.
Quote (DrGuitar @ Nov. 06 2006,23:17)
Quote (JasonBrianMerrill @ Nov. 06 2006,20:49)
EDIT: but by the way, i really think you dont understand what i was writing.

Now you are just annoying. You act like you must have said something deep or thoughful. Let's back this up to see if there was any real content to what you said that I might not understand.

actually, no, i wasnt saying anything that deep -- or thoughtful.

it was actually hidden in plain sight if anything.

but narrowmindedness tends to block out those things.
Quote (Guest @ Nov. 07 2006,01:20)
See! I told you! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

ain't it past a trolls bedtime yet?

Quote (Guest @ Nov. 07 2006,01:20)
At least I have the balls to post under my real name.

I’d rather froth at the mouth and let it be known it is me, than scour around namelessly like a coward.
I’m human, and never claimed otherwise, capable of the same behavior as anyone else.

See! I told you! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

SInce when is calling a spade a spade dropping your hallo?

Tell that to Jesus after he wipped your relatives out of the temple.
Apparently he didn’t put up with your kind either.
Go peddle you wares somewhere else, ‘cause ain’t nobody here byin’ what your callin’ humor, NO $ale.

BTW guest, I’m only yankin’ your tale, and could care less if you think I’m riled, in fact I like you to think that. Whatever gives you your jollies. Truth is I’m not, but when in rome.
I may be retarded in the esoteric use of the word but I have learned to use my handicap to my advantage, and the disadvantage of those who under estimate me.

keep shinin’

jerm :cool:

Quote (JasonBrianMerrill @ Nov. 07 2006,01:54)
Quote (jeremysdemo @ Nov. 07 2006,00:36)

far as I can tell he’s making a fool out of himself.

I’m not calling him a fool,


how funny.

FYI someone can make a fool out of themselves without someone else calling them one.–not too much funny about it though, sad actually.
I did say “as far as I can tell”, and the more you type the more it leans in that direction, it’s not telling anything different which is an opportunity lost IMHO.
Better yet a fool would know when to put the shovel down, like when he can no longer see the top. So even if I were to use that definition it would be inadequate at this point.

I mean if you disagree that’s one thing, state your opinion and let it be. Mike is tolerant as are most here of objective interjection.
But no, you gotta keep beating a dead horse (or bird in this case) adding sarcasm and later making blatant jokes about it in another thread. And you’ve got the tenacity to point out what is wrong with religion? POT–to–Kettle your both black.
You’ve been here for what 1 day? maybe two, and you’ve managed to annoy all but one or two of the regulars here.(only 'cause they haven’t read you yet)
I can see making friends is not your forte, or respecting other peoples threads, or practicing what you preach (follow the Bible).
There was a wise man who once said.

For whatsoever you do unto the least of these, you have done unto me

So, you have done this unto Him.

Regardless if your true intention was innocent humor, when someone is offended it requires at least an attempt for reconciliation.
That’s in the book if you care to follow suite.

keep shinin’

jerm :cool:

…I think God sent me this thread.

Quote (JasonBrianMerrill @ Nov. 07 2006,11:16)
..I think God sent me this thread.


ho ho ho

Excuse me butting in here, but Jeremy, haven’t you heard the expression: DON’T FEED THE TROLLS?

Seems to me that you’re not only feeding them, but providing a five course meal and offering home delivery service for left-overs.

Just my 2c.

Quote (Gizmo @ Nov. 07 2006,16:19)
Excuse me butting in here, but Jeremy, haven't you heard the expression: DON'T FEED THE TROLLS?

Seems to me that you're not only feeding them, but providing a five course meal and offering home delivery service for left-overs.

Just my 2c.

I am guilty as well Gizmo. I'm sorry to everyone for dragging this post on like this. I should have known better much sooner.

take care,

Quote (Gizmo @ Nov. 07 2006,16:19)
Excuse me butting in here, but Jeremy, haven't you heard the expression: DON'T FEED THE TROLLS?

Seems to me that you're not only feeding them, but providing a five course meal and offering home delivery service for left-overs.

Just my 2c.

ahh, so when people disagree with a common opinion or belief, and vocalize it, its trolling? wow, freedom of speech!!!

amazing. I thought this place was pretty wild. I didnt even know the half of it till i actually posted!!!! :O

Quote (JasonBrianMerrill @ Nov. 07 2006,21:27)
Quote (Gizmo @ Nov. 07 2006,16:19)
Excuse me butting in here, but Jeremy, haven’t you heard the expression: DON’T FEED THE TROLLS?

Seems to me that you’re not only feeding them, but providing a five course meal and offering home delivery service for left-overs.

Just my 2c.

ahh, so when people disagree with a common opinion or belief, and vocalize it, its trolling?

Doesn’t look like a troll to me, more like Tom Green on crack.

Do trolls have albums?

I would have expected a troll to have a clearer voice, must be the plate stuck in there.

Well we undoubtadly have had a good laugh now,

Welcome to the boards J!

BTW this isn’t to feed them, only to bring those things from darkness into the light. :p

keep shinin’

jerm :cool:

actually, its apartment 3b, on 59 1/2 maple st. Yes, information is readily available about me. It takes a simple google search. I dont hide who i am in anyway.

Yup, and that recording was made over 5 years ago. Im glad i have come much farther in that time :)

thanks for the notice!


"I would have expected a troll to have a clearer voice, must be the plate stuck in there."

plate? what does that mean? I am not sure…

PS you are the second person about the tom green comment, but only when they see that pic. Likely you found that comment through search. but i mostly agree, I think tom green actually looks like ME on crack but ok.

btw, you quoted me but didnt address what i said.


BTW, ahem. “jerm” ???
you are not very good at “passive agressive” haha…

but sort of reminds me of that “godhatesfags” website.

Chill, my babies!!!

Actually, I’m not the one who called him a troll.

A troll around here tends to post under a fake name.

If you read the post I’m actually proving your not a troll in that sence by showing you are who you say you are.
I mean you didn’t care to list any of that info in your profile, hence the mis-labeling no doubt.

OF course with that shovel in your hand your not helping matters… :D

You’d have to read a troll bedtime story to understand the plate. I gave you a comment about your singing. I know you didn’t ask for one but much like you did in this thread, you got it anyway! :laugh:

you are welcome.

Guess one doesn’t like it when the shoe is elsewhere. ???

It seems you can make jokes, just can’t take them.
Anyone jokes about you and it reminds you of the godhatesfags site? hmm… I wonder why? do you dish it out and can’t take it over there too?

Do you have many of these phycological definitions for those who attempt to help you?

keep shinin’

jerm :cool:


Posting someone’s name, address and phone number on the internet is an incredibly bad thing to do.


Edited by KF because the strong language need only be said once.

I would take his address down, Jeremy. I would really dislike it if someone did that to me.

Who’s Tom Green?

Yes Jeremy, although I appreciate the supportive nature/thought behind your posts, I think posting the boy’s/troll’s personal info is really not a good thing to do. I think it is probably a good idea to put this thread to rest…